-how easy the cat has been to care for
-how amazing today's class was and deciding to do that this weekend and how great it is for right now with my goals to release energy and cultivate my feminine energy
-califia iced vegan coffee. so great in the summer. so great tasting
-great music from different genres and moods
-doing the exact things i want and how great that feels
-learning new moves
-waking up earlier lately
-deciding to give up pil from my diet and starting with oil that is visible for now such as olive oil on potatoes
-my plans this coming week
-essential oils
-working on cultivating feminine energy
-flip flops
-great neighborhoods
-when things aren't too expensive and do-able
-face massage and face yoga
-my flexibility
-only buying vegan foods while grocery shopping last night
-using a painful experience last night to understand the loa and inspire me with a change to make
-that best friend has decided to now comitt himself to 100% vegetarian
--nourishing my cravings yesterday even though they were weird(reeses cups) and now deciding to get back on track with diet and fitness
-living life fully
-my immersion and love for all things feminine and beauty and how i've made that large part of my life
-sexy guys
-my taste and interest in things
-deciding i'll have a protein shake for dinner today since i've not been drinking enough of them
-giving away some old purses and things in my kitchen today that i feel no longer are working for me
-deep breathing and slow movement
-getting bathroom cleaned
-the cat getting a bath today and seeing how excited he is to see my mom when she comes by
-great serendiptous timing with articles that make life's chapters seem to close out in chapters,very fascinating
-how focused i've been and using a tip i seen on here about focusing on corpus calloseum to do so
-self acceptance
-new experiences
-appreciation for animals