-protein drink M made me
-getting acupuncture today and getting placements in my stomach,ear,and third eye chakra which were all new for me
-the acupuncturist being so nice and saying right away i'm a cute girl when i walked in and telling me later i'm a beautiful girl when telling me i shouldn't have to deal with anxiety since i have so much going for me still
-feeling like i'm getting a lot of attention when i'm out and about for my looks and so i should be much more attractive then i think
-M's friend D calling me ms flexible even though i have no idea what he is talking about since i don't think i'm very flexible
-nice pictures i took with my phone today
-a beautiful flower abstract painting in the lobby of acupuncture clinic an nice art there in general and very friendly staff and very friendly lady who started conversation with me when i got there
-deep cleansing breaths
-my phone
-getting space cleared to put uber back on my phone again
-feeling like things will be ok
-feeling relaxed and in a good mood
-deciding to start putting money aside to save up for passport book
-the great idea M's husband had about the big calender outside my room
-getting more of my stuff organized and settled
-getting booked for another job today and this one i didn't even apply for but decided to accept it anyways since it's not until next month
-the cats that come to the yard and how friendly the white and gray one is
-the air filter in my room and nightlight and how much they help me sleep