-getting a pizza different then the usual frozen pizzas bought for me
-getting more social media confident
-best friend saying he wants to leave his laptop here which surprised me and was good news
-mountain dew
-having a glass of wine and trying it in the new wine glasses i got
-new job day being decided
-knowing how to drive side streets now! so cool.
-confidence building subliminal audio i've been listening to
-photo likes on a site
-getting a text from C
-getting kitchen floor cleaned
-cool little loa thing..i have been loving a random song i came across. and seen it on a video on ig today. things like that show me reality is created with my awareness
-green tea face scrub i love
-my beauty
-being feminine
-lower body being nice and toned especially in comparison to last fall
-that best friend is alive
-finding out it's illegal to record a conversation
-becoming a more relaxed person and that being a main aim of who i want to become more of
-being able to just lay down
-feeling burst of energy coming to me that makes me wonder if its from someone else and who. like sexual energy
-my body feeling more sensations of feeling good and relaxed
-another loa thing of seeing more and more body flaws on others ever since noticing it
-my determination
-more confidence in myself lately
-deciding to focus more on becoming more relaxed,and how can i induce more relaxation and openness since that also will correlate with letting go
-eye massage
-knowing i can be,do,or have anything
-getting through this month