i was crying on the porch thinking about how i'm not sure i'm going to make it. feeling so alone,and disconnected and thinking about all i've lost and one by one most of my outdoor cats i take care of surrounded me,just going about their life but surrounding me. and,i realized i do have friends.cats are friends and it's important not to dismiss the animal connections because they really do,do a lot in in terms of being a friend. and,i realized that even if i did lose it all,everyone around me dies,and i'm just living on my own,i would be ok,too. it's the thinking that makes things hard but when we change our thoughts,it can all change. there's so much magnificence i've barely tapped into with i can create and change with my life and the law of attraction. all my outdoor cats i only met a year ago,and they fill me with so much connection. You can meet a new connection at any time,or reconnect at any moment. That moment gave me some solace,for now at least.
-my outdoor cats and how much meaning and connection they give my life. recently,i was wondering why are cats so nice to us humans? They really like me and M's husband.
-soda pop
-staying strong and having some moments of the day where i was ok. other moments,i was on the verge of tears or having hands shaking anxiety.
-nice people. my therapist was extra cheery and kind today.
-M's husband keeping extra in touch with me today. i think he's sensed that all that has happened would cause me to feel very on edge. He usually doesn't answer his phone at work but he responded to some of my texts today
-getting a little cleaning done
-getting my new shoes in the mail today
-helpful members on this forum
-getting some studying done and making it my goal to try and finish the course up tonight
-believing in the law of attraction
-whatever that anxiety pill i took yesterday was. it worked great. i could tell because i felt quite different,stable,and cheery then by the end of the night suddenly my mood shifted and i felt angry again and emotional.
-deciding im going to start going to therapy more again
-deciding to start an account for future rents money just to feel secure in case i ever needed it and throwing a couple dollars in it
-getting up kind of early despite having gotten hardly any sleep and having had a nightmare and being nauseous with a major pounding headache.i feel like by waking up earlier,i can give myself more.
-my conviction im on the right side of things
-great design
-my phone
-my phone apps
-rsvp-ing to a one day meditation retreat in june i was emailed about
-that it didn't rain today
-the shelters that the animal organization gave us last fall for our cats. they keep my cats very toasty. every time one of them comes out of them,their fur feels nice and toasty.
-M's husband saying he will keep trying and that we can pray together,and he will keep trying to talk to M and his son.
-social media
-this cool new app i found that teaches you different languages. you can literally learn as much as you want and choose based on that level.
-seeing the law of attraction at work.i literally seen a youtube episode talking about a girl who was kicked out and it was so funny because it just FELT very loa to me. I see I am creating my reality,i just need to step outside myself and make some tweaks. I know I can do it. I think silence may be the key.
-my beauty
-having a kind heart