-leftover pizza
-freeneville podcasts.
-meditation. i love how it guides me to the next step. today,i felt called just to pack my next bag in the next and then during my 2nd meditation for 5 minutes,felt guided to go do another walk to somewhere tomorrow morning,perhaps the bakery. i just feel guided that overcoming the anxiety issue is the base of everything,and to continue on with the plan i made even if i will have to change it in ways come may.
-doing some driving today
-sertaline i've been taking
-manifesting something cool from my thought experiment i tried.i visualized finding a pink feather in my doorway,and today i seen an art photo of some white abstract picture with what looks to be a pink feather in the middle. i can't possibly see what else it could be,and it called out to me.i feel like little things like this are happening to tell me to keep the faith no matter how painful and frightening things are. i'm finding more to be grateful for and more manifesting ease in some ways these days,it's odd.
-having brunch plans with a friend this coming week at a place right by my house. so glad i manifested that
-my sense of style
-goals. reminding myself again,no matter how scary things are,by accomplishing one thing,then another,it puts everything together. if i can even only feel 100% comfortable walking to anywhere no matter where i live that's within 2 blocks,that's actually an accomplishment and I can move from there.i think it's just a matter of keeping doing a little,and being consistent,and then it'll all form and be so super easy that by next year,i'll be looking back in surprise at how hard i had made things over the years of my life.