-a celebration today. celebrating the full moon,a new month coming,a new season is here,transforming and becoming new from the spring and summer,and in honor of secrets
-finding smores oreos today and how great they taste
-going to the beach today and how great it ended up being,the water was perfect
-finishing up my show i was watching
-feeling pretty light most of the day to the point that i was spontaneously giggling at the little things.
-before bed when i was already very tired deciding to do some affirmations and then having it turn into journal-esque slightly as it revealed things to me that were powerful and transformational,and gave me a reason to celebrate today
-the quiet
-feeling more intense positive emotions again
-my stomach getting sculpted again
-ordering a humidifier today
-feeling good
-feeling excited for autumn
-being truly transformed and back to me again
-having let go,of the attachments and perfection and fears
-smiling at timing that makes it seem as if there is a "fate" at work
-an inner smile
-the power
-stretching the imagination
-getting that awful cheap painting that came with the place off the wall already. it made the place feel so much better once it was gone.