-how great i feel today and back to normal. the first day since the day after I last seen B that I feel back to normal again.i am sooo so grateful.i feel cleansed.
-sportsbras and how great i look in them
-inexpensive tanks in lots of great basic and young looking bright colors that really add to my wardrobe
-my lovely tulips and the great pic i got of them
-my lovely painting session i had last night and that I get to paint today again
-how free i feel from the pain of B and detached that I can cry almost. freedom is a great feeling
-deciding last night to text D before bed apologizing. I don't know why but i kept feeling drawn to the last few days so i just did. maybe i was worrying about karma and my harshness after how things got with B out of nowwhere which i don't even believe in or maybe i just was craving peace after B abandoning me,but it helped texting him
-going for a nice short walk today
-the sun shining
-getting signs today! little ones that are subtle but still from the meetup changing to the place where B and I had a significant date of ours after it had been at a place he mentioned before,to getting an animal symbol twice,little things like that which make me go hmm
-my friend E texting me today.i was a little worried if he would or not but knew he had to and there was no reason he wouldn't and he did and invited me to a party this weekend oddly,enough,it might be a party of someone i met before which isn't the odd part,but that the person may know B,and definitely knows the woman B hates and other people B knows if it's the person who i think it is's party and I don't think E is close enough to me or B to try and keep me and B separated from running into each other or even would know to since it's not his party. i doubt B will be there,and he may not even know this person well enough but it's on his side of the city,and either way,i'm also getting more into E's circle which is some of B's circle. and,a chance to meet new friends.
-getting things done today.
-all the social media things to post
-that i woke up earlier today for some reason. a good sign,since i've been sleeping late and deep lately
-all the likes and compliments on new work i posted,i even wonder if that played a part in E contacting because he seen that
-how lightened my to do list now feels and how it doesn't feel like i have too much to do now
-how empowered i feel that i create my reality
-being above average in appearance
-how much time i have today to do things
-how clean my apartment is
-being in the fashion industry
-my confidence going up
-that being patient with my healing has paid off