-great music
-a nice meditation
-lemongrass incense
-who i'm transforming into and becoming
-putting myself out there again and being brave
-vegan food
-eating at home and deciding to go back to eating at home more again since it makes me feel better. out food tends to too oily which makes me look worse,and feel drained
-my eyeglasses
-my thigh gap
-how beautiful my hair color is
-a new look
-getting out a bit
-the sun
-finding my transitioned one's toy and bringing it out to play with the cat until i get a new one since i misplaced his and how that made my mood better
-summer clothes
-my style
-my vision
-seeing things that have gotten me excited to go to
-breaking free of anxieties about certain things and how that breakdown the other day,really did break down a barrier for me and how i feel more free to do certain things i didn't before
-good books
-light dumbells which make me feel strong
-inspiring people and inspiring creations
-interesting things to do and explore and all the things i want to do and try
-getting hair cut appointment made
-easing up on things a bit with feeling like i need to hurry and do everything and do it quick and instead remembering to just stay focused but go ahead and relax a bit so i don't get overwhelmed
-the feeling of things being new and changed and a blank canvas
-feeling at peace now being out of the last apartment
-how good it feels to be in a new chapter and place and the mystery of it and the contentment feeling of having overcome and completed certain things
-the air filter in here which seems to make things less stuff
-mason jars
-loving myself
-reflection and being ok with the gap now of no longer longing and wondering over certain things such as E.
-having found a new tool for getting in touch with intuition. tarot blocked intuition even when not taking it seriously and now to get back in touch with it in a more empowering and legit way,i've started pulling out a notebook during meditation and just writing insights that come,and occasionally asking questions during. most get answered,some do not and just seems to tell me it's not the right time for me to know,and that it ok. i feel a connection with my higher self finally strengthening again from stopping tarot. yes,some may not like me for this,but it is my opinion that tarot is bad for you,even if you do believe in loa and think you are using it in alignment with loa.
-becoming at peace with me neighborhood more,like,i think my neighborhood is actually becoming "cool" which is strange and interesting.