-crystal singing bowls music to slow my mind down
-a delicious dinner and all the new foods i try
-how open and balanced my 2nd and 4rth chakra are and how good that feels
-how high vibration i've been
-being completely healed and moved on from D
-getting a coffee and muffin today
-picking up a hair kit at the beauty store and going somewhere different today and how nice i enjoyed the place
-all the inspirations
-date with B last night. and..........yep,i do like him! i knew yesterday would be deciding time,and as soon as i seen him i was like,ok he is attractive and he was less nervous this time and we had more of a mental connection. honestly,as mean as it sounds i even felt more attracted to him then i did to D in person. he's just less creepy,and makes me feel better about myself,and is physically strong,which is actually pretty hot.i love that he's more open and trustful seeming,like how he opens his phone to search things in front of me and opening his facebook in front of me.i like his funny stories like he did pushups in a bar when drunk once. it flatters me when he genuinely seems to keep thinking guys are checking me out and wanting to approach me and even when he looks surprised when i get insecure about things,he seems genuinely surprised like why would i be insecure and says something along the lines of me being perfect(don't remember exact words). i do still find his height kind of awkward with him being so tall but i am definitely attracted to him and can't possibly see what could go wrong.i feel like i caught a hidden gem. like,he's the guy who acts slightly nerdy and slightly awkward but is really hot like someone playing the part of a nerd but isn't a nerd.i also found out why he's only had 3 sex partners so feel better about,that too. he was a late bloomer and was really insecure and didn't have sex until he was 25 so that makes sense and is more normal then and even explains things about him. he is not perfect,but is someone i can very much consider boyfriend material.and,this may sound bad,but guys have thought the same of me in the past,so it just balances out,but his innocence makes me think he is someone i can mold,and teach(not in a manipulative way) which could be fun and interesting,too.i love how he says he acted crazy when i ran away from him the night we met because he "couldn't let it end like this." he also has a sense of humor that resonates with mine and we have similar tastes in music. he also has an honesty to him which i like.again,i can't possibly see what can wrong with this. he was also more dominant a little and take control this time which was nice.
-an amazing cocktail last night that was so good. a chocolate raspberry martini
-going to nice places and people watching and the nightlife and fun
-doing some of the extra toning i didn't get to last night and doing it today
-my eyes and how large they are
-new things to try and new ideas
-getting vacuuming done
-using tonight to get organized and centered
-how wonderful and nice my best friend is and how giving
-that my presents are on the way from other friend
-getting a picture tooken of me and B from a photographer while out last night. funny in the short time together me and B now have more pics then with D as D i only have selfies he sent me and i've now kissed B as many times as D if not more. still,D knows a lot more about me.all signs point to me and B being meant to be a relationship,and D being meant to be a distraction. just weird,as i felt a strong soul thing with D before.
-being a woman
-forgiving myself
-feeling young again and having fun. D said once i should embrace the winter love life. and,well now,i am,but with B. funny thing is,me and D were technically fall and ended right as winter started..
-releasing of resistances