-doing yoga class tonight
-a night walk with best friend's mom home from the gym. and how funny it was since it right after i said to best friend's dad that i wish i had a walking buddy to go for walks with,and then when we get to gym she says she walked there,and we agree we will walk home.
-emails from S
-smores poptarts
-doing some driving today,though it's still very hard for me
-getting a little more situated to staying with best friend's parents. it's starting to feel more normal. the eerie thing is though how familar it all feels,and i can't trace why that is.i wish i could. my mind's been wandering to if maybe i used to worry what would ever happen to him way back in the day when we were dating maybe? i'm not sure if that's right either,though. everything is just so weird. even how natural them starting to feel like family is,and seeing how they were like that even before,i just had my own issues. it's all a mind trip. what is going on is what's going through my head
-the rose tea i tried. so amazing. love it
-my style
-my body structure.i have such a nice,stand-out perfect shape that looks both very sexy,yet sleek
-getting my bangs cut
-throwing out the rest of the broken chair
-getting a response from gym director about me volunteering
-that best friend's mom seems to dislike R as well.
-meditating this morning