-best friend finally being reliable with time and not playing games for first time in almost 3 weeks since the fights started. this shows me we will resume to being healthy with each other. first i kept believing it even when i wasnt seeing it,and now i'm seeing it. even just this one night showed me something.
-the dog being calmer today. i actually felt fondness for her today.
-my brother getting to see my apartment and him being impressed with it
-mom coming by
-being able to stay alone at night up to 2 -2 1/2 hours now. i know i'm getting better and this feels amazing
-getting my new bank account opened today
-finding out you can deposit cash now in the machines. so weird. i felt like i entered a parallel reality.
-the bank teller being so sweet and saying she can tell i have a good heart and saying she think i'd be a good teacher. this came up so randomly and made me feel sooooo good!
-picking up a pizza and ordering it on my own. felt so good to do that.i don't usually do things like that if i ever have even
-getting some toning workout done today which felt good
-today being a pretty good today
-my vibe having raised a bit from the chakra musics,being home,and meditations
-being able to listen to chakra music on my headphones again. so nice.
-my ear doing a lot better. it seems as long as i can sleep and get minimal stress,i don't even feel like there is an issue like it's that close to being healed.
-being classy
-healing happening
-cool things that interest me
-things starting to feel more and more normal and better
-yoga pants
-my rain boots i use as winter boots
-deciding to give up fish oil since it makes me nauseous and hasnt seen to have a positive effect on me
-selenium which HAS seemed to have had a positive effect on me and possibly relieving depression
-being calm
-getting work things in
-that things are moving along
-that i'm going to get through this month
-how great january will be
-empowering myself
-speaking affirmation videos
-having an interesting personality
-starting to love myself more again
-desires,hopes,and positive wonders for the future
-how much more calmer i am compared to weeks ago,and since october. wow.
-seeing how unempowered and powerless i was with my vibration and actions and so on and finally feeling like an empowered person. it's amazing i got that low and for so long.
-photo apps
-spicy food
-slowly transitioning back to a plant based diet and how good that feels
-social media
-the internet
-realizing the core of my problems lately has been a lack of trust in life
-cool things about time like feeling like time slowed down at parts of the day
-not even checking tarot anymore and seeing how many times it told me really negative things that weren't at all true. creepy. cant imagine how someone can base their life off that.