-being all moved in
-recuperating after a rough 24 hours
-how beautiful,hard,and healthy my teeth are
-that the cat is feeling better
-reflecting on the surreality of life
-feeling my feelings. tonight,felt like crying thinking about E and how he was to me. all i wanted was to still be friends and i told him that back then,and he does this to me. it feels like betrayal and i have to be honest and look at things logically. after i didn't go to his thing after we kissed,he disappeared. he seemed to come back in randomly finally in may,and i thought it'd be ok,but then disappeared. it just hurts,because looking at the facts,it's like he said well we can't be more,then we can't be friends.
-good books and the amazing one i'm currently reading
-remembering happiness is a habit to keep on cultivating. happy people don't just wait for happiness or have "luck." It's something they cultivate. They don't complain so much,and they do certain things that happy people do. Remembering that happiness is a habit is very helpful to me
-getting front room settled and most of kitchen
-that best friend is amazingly strong
-how peaceful this place was in the daytime
-seeing pronoia in the little things that makes life seem to flow more
-reminding myself consistently about magic moments and that I create my reality
-the internet
-making a grocery list
-deciding that i want to start doing green smoothies regularly and it's something i'm willing to do;to incorporate more greens into my diet.i hesitated before for various reasons and though i'm trying to stop being so "food obsessed" this feels like something i want to do and aligns with my desires and who i want to be. it's also funny because back when i first became vegan a year ago,it seemed there was a certain ideal of how to eat that seemed difficult to do,but at this point,i'm pretty much there just by following my own inner guidance and doing things in steps so it's kind of funny.
-seeing nostalgia realistically. got hit with a feeling of almost wanting D from last fall back but then realized,it doesn't mean anything,i am just appreciating a time,the good aspects of it and that it was a time of newness and that I had things then I don't feel i have now. so,i think i miss having someone to focus on that makes me forget other things in a sense.
-being in the mood for loving myself and doing spa things,good food,and healing,fitness and yoga,and meditation and beauty stuff
-feeling ready for certain things now. like my cells are primed to let go of certain things and become new
-cool mobile photo apps
-feeling more beautiful
-being able to tune in that certain things,i do feel lost about
-all the abundance
-my bed
-being a woman
-coming back to myself more and more
-being different now