-burning sage to cleanse the apartment of negative energy
-carrot juice
-going shopping today
-getting new fans and a full length mirror
-my book to inspire me i've been reading
-looking skinny today and how seeing that at the store in the bathroom mirror instantly made me smile and put me in a better mood. i looked young,and beautiful,and thin and sexy. amazing what looking just slightly thinner does for me.
-my workout capri pants
-my style
-the apartment finally looking like home. interesting how once all stuff is moved out of a place it no longer looks like yours and once stuff is moved in,it quickly starts to. all it takes for a place to look like home is a couple of your items,truly. and your energy
-focusing on how i am changing and will change when getting pangs of emotional sadness and hurt
-how healthy and beautiful and hard my teeth are
-my bed
-having internet to use
-laughing at life
-a snack waiting for me when i awoke
-how beautiful it was outside at night today
-kitchen being settled now
-focusing on feeling good and loving myself and the things i want to do to feel better such as go to the spa,drink green smoothies,get back on a workout schedule again,get a stationary bike
-reminding myself what i am even if i don't always feel like it
-showers and how great it felt last night to shower before bed
-reminding myself i create my reality,and i can rewrite my stories at any time,and alter the parts i'm not liking.
-taking things one thing at a time and going with the flow
-that i have a new notebook and think i will do some affirmation writing tonight before bed as spiritual exercise since it's been days since i've done one,and it feels like it'd be helpful
-that i am changing my life
-that i am better then i think i am