-the really hot guy from about a month ago at the yoga studio coming by and flirting with me. At first he waved then came in looking for my boss and i suspected he must like her and just let go,a bit disappointed and then he came back for one of the services and after talked with me for a few minutes and seemed to be flirting and also like he came out of his service early to talk with me.i got the vibe he did like my boss but avoided talking about her and said twice two things about how things are great now,and now summer is great as if he was referring to me. it was subtle but something about him just keeps me thinking about him every time i see him. i blushed and was fidgety during the chatting. he asked again about when i'm there and even seemed to remember my name when he had come back. he said he forgot,and asked me to repeat it but before he did he said the first part of it.which is remembering far better then me.
-feeling relaxed
-my meds
-being on day one of taking one day off per week of drinking soda
-my book i've been reading growing on me and even somehow making me emotional
-yin yoga,which i swear seems to be making me slightly more in the flow with things since doing it the last few days
-ice cubes
-weight going down
-my beauty
-having a nice body
-my kind heart
-M's husband getting out of work early and picking me up on time
-getting more job offers today
-a beautiful new photo from recent job
-getting cover of recent project chosen and how stunning it is
-my mandala coloring book
-getting a first draft done on new article i'm working on
-my femininity
-learning again how often i'm wrong when i assume the worst
-the new people i've been meeting lately
-my ambition
-my favorite italian sunglasses
-letting go