gosh,i am so different from this time last year. life is so different from this time last year.i can hardly believe it. so,so freaking much has changed.
-my meds
-the nightlight in my room
-my difffuser
-beauty products
-choosing to feel good
-depositing my check today
-peanut butter cookies
-how nice M's friend D has been to me
-new experiences
-positive transformation
-cute top on a shop i decided to order today that'd be perfect for me
-someone asking me to cover their shift again and saying yes since maybe there was a divine reason for it,and it's good for me to get in the habit of working more anyways and this week's not very busy for me.
-seeing the place i work at is offering rooftop yoga again and deciding to put that in my schedule for the week as well
-getting in a good workout today of cycling with weights and yoga.
-self forgiveness
-my strength
-getting a lot of positive attention from guys
-M saying I'm the most flexible person in the class which i don't believe at all
-my stomach looking nice and flat and defined today
-beauty role models
-getting caught up on cleaning again
-new perspectives