-coca cola
-my strength
-getting my thing i needed to figure out for next week figured out
-the kittens getting a little more confident around me
-getting a delicious black bean burger and sweet potatoe fries from place M told me about today. Was so good.
-having a job tomorrow for first career which will be nice and checks off a place i always wanted to go to.i notice the more i go out,and live life,the more things i wanted to do just naturally get checked off my list without effort,just pop into my reality.
-jelly donuts
-hot tea
-doing some driving today which really boosted my mood.at first,i didn't want to but did it anyways,and felt much better after.i did ok driving. it was a nice secluded hilly area.
-my eyeglasses
-my diffuser
-meditating tonight
-my peacock eyepillow