-spiritual music
-hot tea
-physical exercise
-dimmer lights
-getting my next course certificate,since deciding to just cram in the courseload in a night
-my phone
-seeing the new pics of me,and that they were not too bad
-the realization i had before bed last night about letting go
-self forgiveness
-my headphones
-healing my stomach issues
-my blankets
-my bed
-a nice journaling session today
-T kitten
-putting up flyers for T cat today
-marinara sauce
-dedicating myself to letting go of anger
-feeling at least twice today,like time was slowing down
-my beauty
-having many talents,interests,and accomplishments
-deep cleansing breaths
-feeling myself little by little coming back to myself,and embracing inner quiet
-my beauty products
-letting myself feel heart chakra sensations today,it was a sensation of sadness like my heart was broken. i let myself feel it,so i can feel the sadness fully, no matter how "silly" it,so i can truly let go. i let the sadness waves go through me. no need to add words to it,or identify it,but just feel it. i know how i am with guys when i like them. iget attached quick,then when they become jerks,i keep giving them chances. one thing,i've never tried before is this. instead,i usually just chalk it up to normal playing games and think it too early to say bye,and keep thinking of the good.
-cuteness. that is one thing my life has an abundance of.
-all the opportunities i get.very recently,just from someone wanting me to be a judge in a beauty paegant,to another person asking me to be on a podcast,and then someone that's a journalist who wants to talk about some things with me,and hear more about it.i said no to the first two,but might consider the last.
-taking less naps today