-that best friend is not dead
-that cat is doing better
-surrendering in a sense even to panic mode knowing that in the 3 months i'll see how false the leftover twinge of fear was
-using another upsetting thing today as inspiration pointing me to what i want and seeing how i've still had some repressed desires and how if you can't beat them,join them and wouldn't that pretty take away all that insecurity feeling
-clean towels
-orange juice and how great it tasted with the pastry i had when i woke up
-weird little things that seem like "reality shifts" that make no sense but are so subtle i'd sound crazy to even bring them up
-skipping brown soda and switching to clear which makes me feel better
-doing some yoga before bed last night
-a clean bedroom
-journaling last night finally and getting some resistances/limiting beliefs brought up
-being easy on myself as i've been feeling a little low and overwhelmed
-gratitude with where i'm at with some things as that's what i wanted even if now there's other things i want. it's so key to be present.
-relaxed vibes that inspire me
-that feeling of spring being near
-emailing about appointment