-TV episodes online
-reflecting on things
-remembering i've done a heck of a lot of things in my life,i've certaintely lived fully
-seeing life as like a story
-my bed
-the little heater in my room
-the unusually warm weather today
-yoga pants
-doing a little studying on the next course i'm working on
-getting a little work done today
-seeing a notice for first work thing,which is great,as my desire has been to see more of that kind of thing pop up in my reality
-seeing the law of attraction at work
-my heart chakra intention spray
-my unique beauty
-my meds i'm
-calling my therapist today to talk about my anxieties.
-my winter boots
-tension fading more with M.
-M giving me money today
-great uber prices
-self forgiveness
-getting a massage today
-the deepak chopra love affirmations meditation audio playing during my massage
-new experiences
-the positive ways i've been evolving
-feeling more connected lately,seeing my new year's resolution has been working!