-the hugest sign about B. omg,third eye chakra work you are so good. it came out of nowwhere and just knew it was a sign,like all signs,they just call out to you. so good! and he had been on my mind a lot these last two days,then also feeling today like whatever. so good,the natural unfolding of manifestation! now,i just need to let go and forget. the timing feels impeccable,though,as in right.
-vegan meatballs
-all the beautiful epiphanies last night while blogging piecing together more pieces of the pie of being able to manifest things in my life and also making decisons on things
-realizing more clarity on E,A,and B issues and the truth about the gossip
-peace detox tea
-a wonderful 1 hour strength toning session last night. the time goes by so fast while i do it
-deciding no again to L. and no to dating
-my unique way of seeing things that is wise yet child like
-the life coaching side to me
-my youthful child like spirit
-how open i am to others and accepting
-vitamins and nutrition
-a nice chat with best friend today
-a nice email from K today
-business partner showing me her ultrasound today. it was amazing! i never seen a real one before.
-sleep. been sleeping so much still,i dont know why.i woke up so late.
-third eye chakra work
-all the clarity and decisiveness and how simple life feels now,if not completely figured out and still somewhat lazy,i have clarity and decision on all i can in the moment and that feels great
-how tight and sculpted my abs are getting,and the ab lines
-my unique personality
-my chest
-how thin and long my arms are
-how relaxed i feel
-upcoming business trip to focus on
-my feminine,neurotic personality
-focusing on happiness
-beautiful affirmations
-that it's a full moon right now
-cool art,pictures,symbols,lyrics,etc that describe just what i'm going through
-knowing what i want
-perfect life moments to look back on
-laughing at life
-my beauty
-being a positive person
-that before i decided to make dinner i realized,i didnt need to do dishes to make dinner,i had some available for what i wanted to make and can just do dishes later