-bananas and trying to add more fruit to my diet
-water and drinking more of it
-being able to sleep again
-techno music
-getting work phone call done
-how much younger my skin looks since getting chemical peel done
-buying myself a t-shirt from designer i like and a really cute scarf that is perfect for fall
-getting the waterless cat shampoo in the mail today
-booking a ton of jobs yesterday and having paid consistent work now until december
-my eyecolor
-doing some visualizing today and how relaxing it was
-getting my passport photo yesterday
-seeing tons of cute things at great prices last night
-my skincare set i've been using which is excellent
-how soft my hair is lately
-confirming 2 jobs from first career yesterday,one being from a newer avenue for me which is cool
-getting materials accepted for work project 2 of 2nd career thing i do
-my style
-the fashion industry