-water and drinking a lot of it today. two liters down so far
-D texted me today. It was weird. I cried before bed last night thinking i lost another thing,and he's gone for good and feeling like the universe can't me a break with things like this and how sad it is after all i've been through and the loss that i couldn't even get some small break and when i awoke i seen he texted me. just saying hi basically and he seemed distant taking longer to reply and then being elusive like he doesn't want to say what's up but just that he's doing really good so it's like he wants me to wonder. im guessing he either texted me feeling bad for me,or is cautious,or is just trying to hold onto me but doesn't really want me as much anymore. he even asked how has your week been pretty much acknowleding it's been awhile since we've talked so he knows what's up. im trying to be positive and just focus on the moment
-mason jars
-photography and photos
-being a nonconformist
-my realizations again last night even about things i know better about and again throwing my tarot deck deep away and that's what realizations had to do with and expanded upon and made me a smarter person,i think for it. all the ways i'm learning,and growing,and in some ways becoming more logical but that's ok,too
-how pretty the snow is
-deciding to blog about my realizations even if they were wacky
-looking slim today and stomach looking nice despite slacking this week.i guess my body bounces back quick on this plan
-getting decisive about what to get done today
-rebounding workout i did and how great it stretches me out and how good it makes me feel
-my artist mindset
-knowing good things are coming workwise and that i'm about to have some amazing success
-the industries iwork in and the creativity and craziness of it. the avant-garde and the fun
-the glamour in my life
-clearing,clarity,and healing misperceptions i have about things in various things from beauty to other people and so on
-being a woman
-acknowledging my feelings
-my authenticity
-my smarts
-things that are fun