frustrated. waiting for M to go to sleep so i can sneak the kittens in. just want to get them in already and also to go to sleep. everything would go a lot smoother if she would just go to sleep already.
-cuddling with T kitten today. he slept with me in the morning and evening.
-ordering myself my first prada bag today. should get it just before thanksgiving. celebrating ex best friend being out of my life by getting it. this time last year,he was torturing me and psychologixally abusing me.i am so glad to be free from that and that this november has been so much more peaceful then last year's.
-how sculpted my body is becoming.
-my meds
-getting the straw into the dog houses for the cats
-that the weather is supposed to be warmer tomorrow
-soda pop
-M buying me more cinnamon bagels today
-doing my mirror affirmations today
-my beauty
-face stretches
-hip stretches
-TV episodes on hulu
-going to pilates class today