B this morning has unfollowed me from twitter and the dating app and has said more insults and has said he isnt sorry and i deserve them. very sad how all this happened. he is still in my facebook for some reason though. everyone has said i should cut ties with him.
-TV episodes online
-getting my teeth finished
-deciding to send flowers to my dentist even though everytime i do nice things others criticize it. kindness and ahimsa is important to me and she was an amazing dentist.
-M making me a protein drink
-T kitten
-being assertive
-L randomly texting me and us vibing all day and planning to meet on the day i was going to meet B
-an attractive guy on the bumble app matching with me and chatting a smidge
-updating my linkedin
-M's friend D wanting to go on a bike ride tomorrow
-coca cola
-my phone
-feeling inspired to contact E from my past,and him responding and friendly. I'm glad i opened that door.
-the homeopathy medicine that's made H cat look and sound a lot better
-my eyeglasses
-laughing at life
-motivating myself when i felt down
-feeling more confident in my body
-the dimmer lights
-doing some reading
-the cookies m bought for me
-buying myself some products to cheer myself up after what B did last night
-my nausea decreasing
-eye stretches
-T cat