-coconut oil
-bhakti tea
-doing a nice meditation just now. so needed. mind was overactive today and felt moody.
-having a nice body
-yoga pants i'm wearing
-going for a nice 4 mile bike ride and seeing route to preferred train station and that it's an easy route and that this bike ride was much nicer and and easier.
-warm sunny weather today and how nice it felt to get some sun today. so healing.
-getting this tangerine lipbalm from whole foods i love today
-deciding to go ahead and reschedule a job i have for this saturday
-M saying we are going shopping next weekend
-cat coming to porch to hangout and feeding it and giving the cat water
-deep cleansing breaths
-getting vitamin A vitamins bought for me today
-seeing an old crush of mine is single on facebook last night
-getting the book today that psychiatrist wanted me to read
-makeup and trying out my new eyeliner today
-coca cola
-the blowdryer and how nice it makes my hair look and how good it feels
-the new push up bra i wore today
-my style
-my stomach getting smaller and nice and defined
-lavender tea
-finding out today i do not like cayenne in chocolate after trying it which was something i had wanted to try
-thinking of life as an adventure
-laughing at how much i am then R
-cutting back on cheese and having had it only once last week