1. #151


    -feeling comfortable
    -vegan chocolate
    -pleasure and feeling good
    -going to meeting today for job at gym
    -my power
    -that B is in my mind hardly at all,even without trying,though i do still want him,even if i'm ok without him.
    -being an understanding person
    -my beauty
    -all the change that's occured and the momentum since this year has started
    -that things feel more normal now,and i almost slightly miss the craziness of the first two weeks of this month,just because it gave me a crazy inner drive that has calmed down now,though i know the calmnness if temporary i'm sure. theres a lot changes in store,still.
    -being wanted and how attractive i am
    -loving myself
    -getting a paid side job offer that is interesting to me
    -business partner being a little more responsive and explaning a little why she is so mia
    -emails with K. feels nice to chat and girl talk
    -having big breasts
    -super cute shoes that are just my style and inexpensive that i want to buy
    -my hair and how long and thick it is
    -being in a more back to myself state to where i'm feeling like turning down some things that don't feel worth my time
    -color therapy
    -hot tea
    -going tanning today and how good it feels
    -new instagram followers lately,a lot.
    -how much attention people pay to me even if they don't say anything
    -my feminine,childlike side that makes men feel needed
    -how fun life can be
    -that i'm an interesting person
    -embracing who i am and life
    -physical exercise and fitness and strength building and how good it feels and how beneficial it is
    -things becoming more and more organized
    -being all booked up for upcoming business trip
    -feeling relaxed
    -vegan food
    -beauty and being focused on beauty
    -things to look forward to
    -music and music that calls to me and deciding to listen to a song before bed,because sometimes a song your in the mood for right before bed is a great way to go to sleep. my choice was california girls by beach boys.
    -how interesting my personality is
    -how delicious life is
    -doing the inner work and staying dedicated to it
    -style and fashion and edge
    -how cool of a person i am
    -all the things i am manifesting that are old desires
    -E texting me 2 days in a row so far since we kissed.
    -finding possible opportunities
    -enjoying the moment
    -when things align so well
    -doing some visualization work before bed,and how much it relaxed me
    -facial yoga and how much it relaxed me last night
    -how round my backside is
    -laughing at life and how much there is to laugh at
    -how interesting the metaphysical nature of reality is
    -my resourcefulness
    -all there is that i want to do
    -my great taste and ability to curate and intuitively envision
    -all my interests
    -all that i have going for me
    -how charismatic my smile is,it's like a movie star smile
    -how great i am at giving advice
    -my wisdom
    -feeling at a nice pace with things and not rushed
    -how positive of a person i am
    -how sweet my heart is

  2. #152


    -moisturizers to keep skin and lips looking great and feeling great
    -third eye and crown chakra solfeggios music and how great they feel
    -clean eating
    -feeling in a great mood
    -sleep and being easy on myself that i'm sleeping more the last few days,it could just be what my body is needing
    -business partner being more chatty and on it with work today
    -getting work done today that i wanted to with career 2
    -feeling more decisive about things i wanted to feel decisive about
    -my mood turning around since i started the day feeling slightly gloomy and eh
    -things to look forward to for the next 3 months straight
    -a clean environment and how great that makes my mind feel
    -affirmations and how helpful that is scribbling them in my notebook as i drift to sleep. simple,easy,and a great timing since my mind is entering theta
    -my beauty
    -releasing of resistances
    -feeling wanted
    -knowing i have a lot going for me and am a great catch
    -that i can now edit captions on instagram and how at ease that puts my mind
    -how flat my stomach is getting again
    -hot tea and how good it makes me feel
    -living a life of healing and happiness and how great that makes my life and that happiness and healing is the way to everything we want
    -the little 5 minute meditations i do in between my day and how great that makes me feel and boosts my mindset
    -all the signs i'm getting in the last few days B is around the corner to being manifested. i didn't get signs before,just things i hoped were signs but were kind of blurred and my emotions were,too but these different,and are happening out of nowwhere and calling out to me like the universe pulling me to say hey. that's how signs always are,you don't have to look for them,they come to you and call you and you just know that it's a sign or that something is going on
    -my caring heart
    -being a beautiful person
    -how in shape my legs are getting
    -my eyes
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -appreciating all phases of life,from the quiet to the sunny,to the crazy to the dark.the dark is the hardest but when you realize the true nature of reality and that fear isnt real and neither is loss and that we are all interconnected and that reality is subjective then you can somewhat embrace the darkness as just another part of the story
    -my fame
    -all the offers coming in to me lately
    -being myself,trusting myself,and cutting back on overthinking and how amazing things flow and my confidence rises when ido that,i become my true self
    -all the new instagram followers i keep getting
    -being vegan
    -living the good life
    -observing reality
    -my place in the universe
    -my personality
    -my femininity even if it makes me "difficult,whiny,etc."
    -laughing at life
    -how crazy this month was,like so crazy,i didn't expect this at all,it's been non stop jaw dropping moments and i cant wait to see what this means for march since i'm i have personal number omens that revealed themself in meditation to me years ago and things have been unfolding according to them,and another number omen is coming up now which should mean it sets the tone for the year and this month was the precursor to that for other one of my number omens
    -how exciting life can be when you embrace the more painful,and less enjoyable parts and do the inner work and try to at least somewhat be patient and let things unfold and have strength.
    -how high vibration i feel,it's actually almost scaring me
    -appreciating beauty in life,for example a fabric from an old dress that just seems especially beautiful to me today
    -that E kissed me saturday night.idk why or what it means,exactly but i am glad it happened
    -feeling clean
    -deciding to start doing an hour of strength training a day
    -third eye chakra work and how powerful it is and good it feels.i can usually get third eye opened well if it's less activated within a few days tops depending on where my vibration is.
    -my knowledge
    -my inner knowing
    -being known and respected by high end people;my status
    -being remembered after all these years by people
    -my vulnerability and authenticity and not being afraid of that
    -how tan my skin looks
    Last edited by buttercup; 26th February 2015 at 02:06 AM.

  3. #153


    -chakra healing music and how healing it is for me
    -my knowledge of chakra so i can clear energy blockages and raise my vibration with ease
    -that despite sleeping too much again i got a decent amount done
    -that i felt happy today and like life is beautiful and had an inner smile
    -how sore my body feels from working out and adding on to toning regimen again.i feel barbie doll tight
    -how smart i am about nutrition and clean eating
    -a delicious vegan dinner
    -coffee and how amazing it is
    -high protein food and how tight it makes my body
    -E texting me again,which makes everyday he has texted me since he kissed me,minus one day. this is weird,and i dont know what to do.
    -flowers,and their amazing power
    -the power of loving yourself
    -my wisdom
    -my honesty
    -my sensitivity
    -my caring heart
    -working in fashion
    -how a clean vibration allows your mind to be clearer and things to flow more and a calmness about it all. so powerful. if you want to manifest with more ease,clear your chakras and gain a little understanding so you can see what needs to be worked out. i can get all balanced within a few days tops usually
    -animal advocacy
    -touching stories
    -my sensitivity
    -hilarious videos that make me laugh so much it causes a wonderful soreness in my stomach
    -living a life of pleasure
    -how good physical exercise feels that it's just the same as hot tea or a massage to me in terms of pleasure and healing
    -that im focusing on primary career again this year and all the offers coming in! today,a high paid one,and the other day a glamourous one. both came with such ease,too. all because of my chakra clearing work that allows me to use third eye for manifesting easier.
    -affirmations i write in my notebook as i drift to sleep to secure my mind
    -deciding to decline date with L,which includes work with L as well. I felt relief after saying no despite that he was offering me a lot of things and the work opportunity would've been good
    -sleep and forgiving myself for having so much of it. it could be all the spiritual work and maybe my spirit knows things are coming next month.i will get myself on a schedule tomorrow.
    -getting two beautiful heart shaped donuts this morning which was a pleasant surprise and made me happy. the little things that make me smile.
    -best friend and how wonderful he is
    -how much more quieter and contented my mind is lately
    -my style
    -the journaling session i had last night which went longer then anticipated and was distracted but helpful and healing
    -a clean apartment
    -looking forward to spring
    -eager anticipation

  4. #154


    -waking up a little earlier
    -the sun shining today
    -feeling in positive spirits today and like all is ok
    -all the realizations with E. E liked me this whole time,his friends even knew,everything makes sense now
    -feeling clean
    -a lovely cardio workout
    -my beauty
    -my flexibility
    -getting some yoga snapshots done
    -my resourcefulness
    -new beginnings
    -those moments in life when you realize your thought of and liked more then you realize
    -good food
    -realizing from this L thing of me declining and it making me angry how he is,what i do want,and setting myself on the path to get it
    -happy music
    -having goals to focus on,something to strive for that makes you feel good
    -chakra healing music
    -my place in the universe,and feeling like i have a spot where i belong that cannot be replaced
    -realizing how right my hunches are.i lurked this girl's page today after she kept being on my mind for some reason,i thought she was a cool girl after initially feeling i wouldn't like her and had told B that i thought she was hitting on me when i talked to her,and sure enough i think she is bisexual and in a relationship. so odd,and interesting all the different kinds of people i know and meet.
    -reassurances and affirmation
    -peach tea. its a detox tea and i think it is detoxing me!
    -how hard i've been pushing it and increasing the fitness toning and how sore i am now and tight and sculpted i'm getting
    -learning more and more the things that make me look the best
    -the model life
    -being immersed in a life of beauty.
    -laughing at the amusement of life
    -moisturizers and how great they are for keeping me looking younger
    -how tan my skin has gotten from the bed us. the last session really got me darker
    -warm,happy,life is a vacation thoughts
    -living a life of pleasure and feeling good
    -the feeling of freedom and living it up
    -expressing myself
    -that my laptop will be back tomorrow
    -meditation and short mini 5 minute meditations throughout the day and how amazingly beneficial they are to me
    -all the work offers pouring in for primary career and knowing this is the year for that career. it just is.
    -my young,child-like side
    -all the intense chakra work in the last day and half and how much it's boosted me and helped me realize things
    -realizing confirmation now that in the summer when E and i last hung out before he got mad at me and we stopped speaking for months and he asked me advice about a girl which i now suspect was me,he was calling that girl innocent. he was saying her birthday was in so and so time and asking me about what to do. my birthday was in so and so time,but i didn't think he knew that. all this makes me feel he has paid far more attention to me then i realize. and,to think he thinks i'm innocent. so cute! i had wondered back then did he mean me but thought that would be too silly and narcissistic of me to think so,but that's right when he got mad at me and stopped speaking to me after that and never wished me happy birthday.
    -songs about haters to inspire me and also pump me up while i work out
    -all my fitness,beauty,and primary career and artistic motivation to push it in honor of all the pain i've been through,and that which i loved and lost

  5. #155


    -going shopping today
    -how cleansed i feel
    -peach detox tea
    -getting a new great fitting supportive swim top that makes me look great
    -how amazing and perfect my body looked in the fitting room. so slender and toned
    -how tan my back looked in the fitting room
    -all the vegan products i keep finding to try that looked good. today picked up some vegan meatballs
    -living a life of pleasure and healing
    -deciding again to just say what the hey maybe i will give L a chance after he texted me last night and him asking if it's weird he asked me for drinks and us talking a little about it and seeing what happens
    -creative ideas to cut costs
    -getting laptop back today and having a discount on it
    -best friend sending himself positive energy and me and seeing the effects of it including strangers being randomly very nice to us and how clear minded i felt
    -my beautiful charismatic smile
    -the positive energy best friend sent me last night that was so intense i felt drunk.i was laughing so hard at so much
    -business partner being more chatty again
    -deciding to go with the flow about how much i have to do and not stress
    -the strong motivation i had last night which inspired me also to find new fitness tips to encourage me to push it harder. decided i will start toning sessions in one session vs separate and listening to my favorite pump me up motivational music while doing it instead of the stock music that's in videos and wow what a difference it makes.
    -how sore my body is today.i am limping!
    -starting my cardio earlier today because i felt that motivated to do so and had a time slot
    -how great my eyebrows look
    -having a beautiful soul
    -getting out of the house for a bit today
    -observing the beauty of life
    -my i always win it and i'm the best attitude
    -observing reality and enjoying the stories we create or at the least understanding them a little bit
    -my confidence
    -my dedication to fitness
    -my vibration being so high tonight that all these smells in the grocery store kept coming alive,i could smell everything it was intense,and evrything just seemed so abundant. it was wonderful. it's like we numb the beauty of life with our clouded perception but when we raise our vibration and clear our perceptions,everything comes alive again
    -fear being an illusion,only love is real
    -enjoying being a grown up and how sexy and thrilling post college age adult life is. it's so thrilling and enjoyable
    --my creativity
    -chakra healing music
    -my strength
    -trusting life
    -that I create my reality
    -beautiful ideas
    -third eye chakra work and tools to activate
    -that every guy has a crush on me
    -how desirable i am
    -how feb unfolded. it started off painful and confusing and took me completely somewhere new,but isn't complete and was just a preview
    -my insights i get
    -how beautiful the color of my hair and how long and thick it is
    -enjoying in hindsight and appreciating the months that drove me crazy back in the moment this fall. it's all part of he journey that in hindsight will look a lot different
    -cycles of things and how interesting it is.
    -that things always come back in my favor with me winning or getting the respect or admiration or acknowledgement i wanted.
    -the friends i have

  6. #156


    -protein water
    -how hard my nails,bones,and skin feel
    -blogging and being back to it for a month
    -how happy i feel, it's like i'm on drugs
    -best friend and i going for a drive tonight
    -watermelon candy. yum
    -a nice vegan dinner that was so healing. ah,so healing it is to get rid of animal products from one's diet. it feels so detoxing
    -peach detox tea and how good it is and how much i crave it
    -my body and how sexy it is
    -yoga and how wonderfully opening it is
    -how open my chakras feel
    -feeling like i'm on drugs,so high,i feel. so clear minded
    -hypnosis and how wonderful it is. so wonderful. so wonderful.i listened to it before bed last night and it helped me fall asleep
    -the sun shining today
    -the beautiful night skies and how healing that was
    -how thin and sculpted the back of my legs feel
    -becoming comfortable and content with my truth
    -how amazing february was
    -that B logged into dating site again because i know it means he hasn't found anyone since he also did a few days ago.
    -friends and how amazing they can be
    -laughter and how good it feels
    -how valuable i am
    -my wonderful personality
    -crystal singing bowls to slow my mind
    -how easy it is to induce your mindset into certain states
    -that i can now see the month of feb in a wonderful light and as perfect
    -how cinemtatic and story book like life is
    -emails from K. how amusing she can be!
    -wonderful videos that make me so happy!
    -things that help me align with my values and affirm me
    -my beautiful smile
    -my lovely eyes
    -how great and sculpted my back looks
    -getting to do my intention theta setting exercise last night
    -that roommate is all of a sudden wanting to move to certain north side neighborhood,too. crazy!
    -my uniqueness
    -watching a movie last night and how nice that was

  7. #157


    -protein water
    -peach detox tea and how cleansing it is.i can feel this tea really affecting me
    -being easy on myself that i'm eating more,sleeping more,and drinking more tea then normal since it seems to be what my body is is wanting
    -the power of gratitude. it is eerie and amazing
    -all the sound therapy and energy sent to me lately.i feel like i'm on drugs. it's quite heavy. chakra healing,hypnosis,thetas,energy sending my mind feels super super blank at times,it's incredibly nice.
    -fitness as my motivation
    -the hour of strength training i did. wow. it went by quick.i could do this everyday. feels good to push it.
    -my appreciation of visuals
    -my mind being more clear today so i could clarify my blogging better and be more decisive about it
    -all the new foods i've tried since becoming vegan
    -a job on upcoming business trip confirmed
    -relaxing about all i have to do and want to do and embracing life being in limbo and lazy
    -cool artistic cinema clips that inspire me
    -how unique and interesting my personality is
    -how sculpted the back of my legs are getting
    -getting draft 2 of work writing done and finding enjoyment and appreciation in it
    -people who seem to get me
    -B being on my mind today a lot. for the first time in about two weeks.i miss him and still want him
    -seeing he checked into dating site 3 times in last week including tonight which shows me he hasn't found anyone
    -finding detail out about B that made me feel a little guilty but also showed me he must still care. found out he changed his profile picture to an old one which he doesn't normally do and he did it a few days after E and i kissed.i think he seen the group picture of me and E and other friend on my ig and got suspicious and jealous.i realize now more and more things add up to that besides B being very jealous,why he is so jealous of E. he knew something i didn't. he only implied E had a crush on me and said i was difficult. he was holding back though and knew more. B also deleted me after E liked my profile picture and texted E twice to hang out after we ended to which E said he was busy then E hangs out with me right after which probably made him B upset and also it was odd B texts E to hang out when he said him and E don't hang out often at all but then asks him twice and had told me it was odd when E texted him when we first started dating and was asking me what i thought of it. so,there's something with these two guys of a jealousy.i am going to do some meditation about this soon because i feel guilty too about telling our friend something that wasn't even really true,only kind of true,but just slipped out because i was angry and it felt true at the moment. it's hard when someone you care about drops you like your dead with no way to communicate,in your pain sometimes you say things you wish you hadn't because you are so lost. i hate that it happened but i was so lost and and angry and couldn't talk to B.i feel guilt about some of that,but in my head he treated me like i was dead to him and he hated me and was so cold to me with what he did and i thought i'd never see him again and that he was saying awful things about me. maybe i should've been more patient,i don't know,but i feel guilty about this.i think the picture changing thing is definitely something,and a sign of strong feelings though. even if they're not positive. i want forgiveness even though i wasn't wrong.i feel like the immature brat in how i've reacted,but how he was to me was so cold,it was hard to act pretty in the position i was put in. funny thing is he could be talking all this junk about me,and here i am feeling guilty.i do have some healing to do about this.
    -a clean living room
    -my best friend
    -being someone who marches to the beat of their own drummer
    -my ideas

  8. #158


    -feeling clean
    -going tanning today
    -happy music
    -how in shape my stomach looks today,nice and tight and sculpted
    -tofu eggs
    -dark chocolate that is vegan and how great it is for third eye chakra
    -how beautiful the weather was today!
    -a life of healing and wellness and feeling good
    -randomly deciding to text friend A and then it seeming to not go well since he is an aries,but it getting smoothed out and all being good. conscience feels better now and accepting of imperfection.
    -best friend agreeing that when someone drops you and you have no way to talk to them and think you'll never see them again,lenianancy if you say imperfect things should had because your so lost and hurt
    -peach detox tea
    -laughing at life
    -emails with K. she makes me laugh
    -work done from creative director today
    -getting another draft of work done last night and having fun and laughing with it
    -being a happy person
    -a direction and goal to focus on and look forward to
    -several goals to look forward to. what would we be without our things to work towards
    -the one hour toning session last night and how i felt i could've easily did more and how easy it is now for me to keep toning when i do it all at once and listen to music during
    -how round my backside is
    -seeing through people and seeing other's flaws and intuitive understanding with people which cuts down on problems
    -my fame
    -that life has relaxed a bit
    -living a life of beauty
    -focusing on becoming better and better,higher and higher
    -deep healing
    -my style
    -my femininity
    -having a deep understanding of aphrodite energy which enables me to seduce men without trying
    -finding the good in every month
    -patience from best friend
    -my empathy
    -my kindness
    -confidence,assurance,intuition,and all i have going for me
    -my sense of humor
    -my randomness

  9. #159


    -the hugest sign about B. omg,third eye chakra work you are so good. it came out of nowwhere and just knew it was a sign,like all signs,they just call out to you. so good! and he had been on my mind a lot these last two days,then also feeling today like whatever. so good,the natural unfolding of manifestation! now,i just need to let go and forget. the timing feels impeccable,though,as in right.
    -vegan meatballs
    -all the beautiful epiphanies last night while blogging piecing together more pieces of the pie of being able to manifest things in my life and also making decisons on things
    -realizing more clarity on E,A,and B issues and the truth about the gossip
    -peace detox tea
    -a wonderful 1 hour strength toning session last night. the time goes by so fast while i do it
    -deciding no again to L. and no to dating
    -my unique way of seeing things that is wise yet child like
    -the life coaching side to me
    -my youthful child like spirit
    -how open i am to others and accepting
    -vitamins and nutrition
    -a nice chat with best friend today
    -a nice email from K today
    -business partner showing me her ultrasound today. it was amazing! i never seen a real one before.
    -sleep. been sleeping so much still,i dont know why.i woke up so late.
    -third eye chakra work
    -all the clarity and decisiveness and how simple life feels now,if not completely figured out and still somewhat lazy,i have clarity and decision on all i can in the moment and that feels great
    -how tight and sculpted my abs are getting,and the ab lines
    -my unique personality
    -my chest
    -how thin and long my arms are
    -how relaxed i feel
    -upcoming business trip to focus on
    -my feminine,neurotic personality
    -focusing on happiness
    -beautiful affirmations
    -that it's a full moon right now
    -cool art,pictures,symbols,lyrics,etc that describe just what i'm going through
    -knowing what i want
    -perfect life moments to look back on
    -laughing at life
    -my beauty
    -being a positive person
    -that before i decided to make dinner i realized,i didnt need to do dishes to make dinner,i had some available for what i wanted to make and can just do dishes later

  10. #160


    -makeup tutorials online
    -makeup and how transformative it is and the power of makeup
    -my stomach getting sculpted
    -sitting on the porch today for a few minutes and how much it boosted my mood for the day
    -the sun
    -how much me and best friend are getting along lately
    -work getting done today
    -emails with K
    -E texting me last night
    -all the ways i am improving myself to be a better catch and loving myself to attract more love and happiness into my life
    -vegan chocolate with cherries. so good
    -positive animal advocacy news
    -doing an average of one hour of toning a day lately,and how easy and motivating it is to get stick to
    -all the little things i've figured out in the last 9 months to boost my happiness,attract more love and romance,and improve my looks and confidence and status and peace that were the missing ingredients all these years,and things i repressed
    -calming ocd thoughts down,and recognizing behavior that is ocd
    -smiling and being a beautiful soul person
    -being yourself and authenticity
    -appreciation of the little things
    -finding the little things you like,are things others love too
    -beauty and beautiful people
    -being the best
    -all the vegan food places in upcoming business trip location
    -fun things to do
    -how much i've changed,how much sweeter and more mature i am and what i've learned and realized. my increased strength and wisdom
    -things i have to look forward to
    -that i have lavender oil picked up for me
    -me,my tastes,personality
    -all the compliments i receive
    -getting in a great theta intention setting exercise last night
    -things to try
    -pretty things
    -being a woman
    -being a 'first job'
    -how big my eyes are
    -my soul
    -beautiful spiritual reminders such as my fave quote desire is your soul speaking to you
    -the signs i'm still getting
    -my creativity
    -healing perceptions
    -text from my ex,A
    -the power of beauty
    -my learning of things psychological that i can use to benefit myself
    -feeling good and how good i've been feeling. i can't remember the last bad day i've had
    -getting dishes done last night

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