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  1. #1


    -i met a guy yesterday while working. close to the end of my shift yesterday he approached me and i thought was hitting on me but said he was practicing cold reading people. I thought i got a vibe from him,and maybe i was vibing,too and then suddenly the conversation ended and he politely left and i just thought it a bit peculiar but thought of it as a nice interaction as if he was a friendly tourist that just wanted to chat for a few minutes. today,in the beginning/middle of my shift he came up to me and said my name and i replied back saying "you remembered my name." in a way as if flattered and surprised since i was. and we talked again and he said he wanted to see me again and said he is awkward when he first talks to people and i said i am,too and the vibe seemed to be a little more right on..almost serendiptious. i guess,like i felt a connection. he asked for my phone number and he said next time he is in town he will contact me and i told him to text him anyways when he wants just to say hey. i like how he looked at me and sometimes you just know when you feel that feeling.i hope he texts me. he said he is in my city sometimes and loves it here. today was his last day here.i wish things like this would happen more often. just the other day,i was feeling so insecure and ugly and wondering why its so hard to just meet a guy i like,and even though this was just an interaction/small connection moment,it made my day and boosted my confidence. i found him attractive and my type physically.i realize i need to just savor the small moments more,go with the flow and let go and stop daydreaming. that's the biggest reason my love life has been having such bad luck.
    -getting in a good workout yesterday at the gym with M
    -whole foods brand hummus
    -ice cold water
    -walking a lot today.i walked for over an hour.
    -browsing at saks.i enjoyed it so much. love looking at high fashion.
    -trying new things
    -hair clips
    -iced almond milk hazelnut lattes
    -TV episodes online
    -M putting $100 in my account the other day
    -feeling better
    -going for another agoraphobia challenge with the bike of riding around 2 different blocks today alone. my newest goal is to get comfortable with the bike like i am with uber-ing alone now.
    -my beauty
    -my christian dior eyecream
    -my miu miu clutch
    -my phone
    -my gym shoes
    -my laptop
    -alcohol samples
    -not having to work tomorrow
    -my escentric 02 perfume. it's become my current favorite
    -the homeopathic flea spray i've been using on the cats
    -being thought of
    -unique beauty
    -growing as a person
    -becoming more confident in some ways
    -beautiful unexpected surprises
    -getting a refund on the rug i didnt like.i felt bad,but i'm broke and you have to think business with things like that
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -big cities
    -buying a cute maximum support sportsbra from victoria's secret the other day.i'm really into athleisure style lately.
    -the stairmaster
    -my accomplishments
    -deciding to start doing loa prepaving again
    -my new gray comforter
    -animal lovers
    Last edited by buttercup; 24th July 2017 at 03:03 AM.

  2. #2


    -my day off today
    -my intelligence
    -my strength
    -my gray comforter
    -transitioning my stuff out of one of two dressers i have to make more space in my room
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -cuddle time with my cats
    -buying myself a green rose from a luxury flower company i've had my eye on
    -interesting and innovative things
    -listening to all 3 of my hypnosis recordings and how nice it made me feel
    -getting a check in the mail
    -my christian dior eye cream
    -getting this room cleaned up a good amount finally and a closet organizing the closet shelf
    -doing some reading of the magic by rhonda byrne
    -the amy's kitchen pizza i had for dinner
    -watching some TV episodes on my phone with the app i found from the site i used to watch them on
    -the internet
    -social media
    -sleeping in and how good that felt
    -feeling good physically
    -feeling so present and appreciative while on xanax and appreciating the green of the grass and the way the sun felt and laying outside for a bit on my yoga mat in the yard and lounge chair
    -my phone
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -practicing letting go a bit and the art of applying it
    -my beauty
    -looking through my old photo albums and appreciating my beauty and seeing that me and the ex look way happier then he does in pics i've ever seen of him with girl he is with now
    -great design
    -how relaxing it felt with my lights off earlier and last night
    -watching an interesting moment last night in the middle of the night of the cats. T kitten who is almost a cat now and has grown so much killed a mouse or small rat.i felt bad more then usual when i see them with a hunt,and he was having so much fun with it tossing it in the air repeatedly as if it was a toy we had bought him. Some of the other cats were around him watching including the new baby kitten around L observing him and learning. She seems to mimick and like him a lot. Then P cat took her turn,it was as if her and T kitten shared the kill. I flt bad like the little kitten wanted her turn and it was good for her learning and the poor mouse's soul was transitioned by now anyways so brought her closer to let her take her turn and she was playing just like T kitten,s vicious as him with it having a great time. Mom cat of the other cats was a few feet observing them part of the time. Finally,most of the cats in the yard after playing with the mouse for awhile all were running around chasing each other seeming hyper as if playing tag and play hunting each other. The other cats seem to be accepting l kitten more and she seems to be learning from them.
    -manifestation of heart desires
    -seeing the small-ish cat i worried had passed on a few times recently because some kids said a cat that looks like the kitten but bigger they seen dead a block away so it wasn't that one. this is the cat that I thought might be S kitten awhile back but i can tell it's not. i do wonder if it's the l kitten's mom and the cat looks a little bigger/healthier now.
    -M's husband telling one of the kid's mom apparently to tell her daughter to not pick up the kitten anymore. they had kept coming by to see the cats and it was annoying me so he seen their mom today and told them. i feel kind of bad,but they are annoying my cats plus it worries me and i don't like kids.
    -funny quotes,and thought provoking quotes
    Last edited by buttercup; 25th July 2017 at 06:56 AM.

  3. #3


    -iced hazelnut almond latte
    -having a savings account
    -going to yoga class tonight
    -having a possible job for my next out of town trip i'm excited for with someone i worked for before
    -having social plans tomorrow and the day after,though i'm thinking of cancelling the 2nd one
    -seeing T kitten and L kitten getting along a little more. He didn't hiss or growl at her while on my bed about a foot away from each other..though he did give her some funny looks and even seeing them in sync with each other both cleaning themselves and the little one watching T and trying to inch up closer to him. L really likes him for some reason and i love watching her observe and mimick the cats.
    -seeing the psychiatrist today
    -doing a short bike ride challenge today
    -the lights off in the room
    -doing some reading of some wellness magazines and the magic
    -TV episodes online
    -having nice curves
    -my christian dior eye cream
    -dental floss
    -confirming a job today
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -getting the dresser i want out of my room almost emptied and thinking in about 2 days i'll be done emptying it out.
    -deciding to buy a makeup trunk as a new spot to put all my beauty products since i was thinking about where i'll put the things i'm taking out of the dresser
    -social media
    -text messages
    -buying some luxury candy from a candy boutique i got curious to try
    -finding a candy boutiques online with amazing selections and once seeing where the in-store is at,wondering if i've been there before.
    -the internet
    -happy memories
    -my accomplishments
    -self compassion
    Last edited by buttercup; 26th July 2017 at 07:37 AM.

  4. #4


    -getting my article complete finally
    -paying more attention to trying to learn grammar improvement with writing
    -having nice curves
    -getting a little bit done today
    -S contacted me. The guy who asked for my number and said he wanted to see me again last weekend from out of town.Was very happy about this. Also because in my head,it meant i let go and i'm trying to work on being better at that.
    -only having one more drawer to organize before i move the dresser out of the room.
    -the internet
    -warm showers
    -my bed
    -sweet sugar from coca cola
    -trying not let people who try to make me feel bad bring me down
    -cuddling with cats
    -having T kitten and L kitten by me
    -listening to my hypnosis audios today
    -lights off and how relaxing it is
    -doing some reading today
    -trying to make more of an effort to immerse more in gratitude
    -my accomplishments
    -my phone
    -my arms looking nicer since the last few work outs
    -having nice eyes
    -my christian dior eye cream
    -great customer service support
    -new experiences
    -self compassion and self forgiveness
    -writing in my journal a to-do list to reflect on any goals that came to me
    -possibilities and opportunities
    -cancelling my job on friday. it's not right how easy i get burned out,but i just need this week to be a little slow
    -having nice cheekbones
    -a girl from my grade school randomly adding me on fb which is interesting because a few months ago i was looking up people on there from grade school
    -happy memories
    -positive news stories/articles
    -different ways of looking at things
    -unique beauty
    Last edited by buttercup; 27th July 2017 at 07:47 AM.

  5. #5


    -M's friend D touching my hair and complimenting it
    -going to pilates class tonight
    -having a kind heart
    -feeling good during fitness class and doing some mental affirmations about my awesomeness which made me feel even better
    -getting rid of the other dresser today. love having more room now in my room
    -organizing the paperwork drawer before getting rid of the dresser
    -deep cleansing breaths
    -returning to somewhat normalcy with M's husband
    -getting my candy in the mail. it was better then i expected. very cute packaging and amazing taste.
    -having money
    -getting another check in the mail today
    -more job opportunities
    -getting my beautiful luxury green rose in the mail. love the vibrant color and smells amazing.
    -getting the victoria's secret sports bra in the mail today
    -yoga pants
    -vegan food
    -doing some reading today
    -my hypnosis audios
    -having a clean room
    -watching a TV episode online
    -my jewelry
    -all my pretty things i own that make me happy
    -my escentric 02 perfume. i am so drawn to this.
    -getting a positive response back from a p.r
    -great deals
    -sending out more emails for jobs
    -the internet
    Last edited by buttercup; 28th July 2017 at 07:53 AM.

  6. #6


    -M defending me last night after something family drama came about
    -being made to feel attractive by others
    -buying myself a little cactus on etsy
    -feeling better from allergies
    -air filter getting cleaned
    -my outdoor cats
    -having a lot to look forward to for the month of august
    -getting up there with my savings goals for upcoming trip
    -healthy digestion
    -buying myself lunch with the giftcard never used partially out of anger,partially because the place is below where i've been working a lot the past month or so,and I wanted something to eat
    -having money
    -buying myself more of the candy from that luxury candy boutique i liked a lot just because i was craving it so much
    -buying some more canned food for the outdoor cats
    -no work tomorrow
    -TV episodes online
    -coca cola
    -getting a pedicure today at a place i liked and choosing a gold color which is not usual for me but i'm starting to like warmer tones lately
    -growing as a person
    -my phone
    -hair clips
    -the internet
    -new experiences
    -texting S today just because i felt like it. I really just don't want to follow rules or play games but also want to be different then i have been before in a way where i am pursued and flowing is easy
    -some one on one cuddle time with T kitten before i left for work. I think it's good for him to help with his jealousy
    -my brain
    -the ability to think thoughts
    Last edited by buttercup; 31st July 2017 at 07:10 AM.

  7. #7


    -groupon getting back to me
    -feeding the cats canned food and giving l kitten canned food for the first time
    -cute pictures
    -self compassion
    -going to therapy today
    -iced hazelnut almond milk lattes
    -doing some journaling today
    -confirming some jobs today
    -doing some more reading today
    -hair clips
    -the marine salve i've been using as lipbalm
    -my kiehls cactus tibetan ginseng face spray
    -my gold toenails
    -laying in the room with l kitten this morning and falling asleep with her in there
    -knowing i will be ok money-wise even if for some reason the job this week falls through
    -mental affirmations
    -things to look forward to
    -the internet
    -finding a hair product to fix my hair and buying it

  8. #8


    -making the most of the day after client decided to cut me because machine wasn't working and asking for my pay for hours worked and enjoying the rest of event regardless for a few hours
    -seeing a text from S right after client cutting me happened which was interesting timing(something bad,then something good). He sent me a picture of his id to show me his age since i said he looked young in our last conversation. His middle name is S. His first name is actually my ex's last name which is something i had been trying to avoid. He is my age,though. It's interesting his name and also his height,because i had said i was only going to date guys taller then my ex after what happened last year and i'd still consider dating this guy despite those two things,and like his age better then the younger one i thought so it makes me wonder since sometimes the things meant for you are a little different then what you thought you wanted.
    -drinking some wine
    -enjoying a new concert experience i've never been to before
    -going roller skating while high on xanax and a little drunk on wine at one of the things they had going on at the concert. drunken roller skating. genius idea having that there.
    -enjoying music from a couple of shows today
    -seeing the good in things
    -getting a slice of pizza at the festival today for my dinner
    -uber ride pass coming back
    -candies from a new favorite candy boutique i love that i bought online from twice.
    -iced hazelnut almond lattes
    -new experiences
    -getting a ride to work today
    -getting styled up in jewelry today
    -new learning experiences
    -social media
    -bringing l kitten with on the way to work
    -growing as a person
    -lifecoach texting me to check on me
    -not letting idiots and haters bringing me down
    -how T kitten runs up to me and sometimes jumps up to reach taller to me. so cute.
    -T kitten and L kitten becoming closer. She follows him around so much and today i caught them playing again. It's so interesting.
    -getting my cactus i ordered in the mail today
    -ice cold spring water
    -things that make me feel good about myself
    -getting another article up yesterday
    -M's husband seeming in his way to apologize for recent things yesterday afternoon randomly
    -warm sunshine
    -the ability to see
    -my arms starting to look nicer and more in shape again
    -trying more to trust life and go with the flow
    -sweet cold coca cola
    Last edited by buttercup; 4th August 2017 at 09:02 AM.

  9. #9


    -getting offered a slew of jobs which kind of makes up for a few other things for the month falling through
    -positive mental affirmations
    -sweet coca cola
    -getting some work done
    -stopping by the prada store today
    -uber ride pass
    -manifesting my heart's desires
    -going to the pool today
    -calming myself down after seeing something that made me paranoid
    -hot guys
    -my tank top that says high vibes on it
    -going and getting my blackheads extracted which made me feel better today
    -having more abundance
    -self compassion
    -M adding money to my starbucks card since we used mine since hers is missing so now i have the amount i had on it a few days before i bought a few coffees
    -my intelligence
    -listening to my hypnosis audios at the pool and i think falling asleep twice while doing so,once after each one.
    -my gold toe nails
    -getting things more organized
    -attempts at trying to do more per day
    -my phone
    -getting a new recommendation on my linkedin
    -night skies
    -new ideas
    -new experiences
    -growing as a person
    -different ways of looking at things
    -my dolce&gabbana sunglasses
    -TV episodes online
    -hip openers
    -my outdoor cats
    -speaking my mind yesterday after several things in one day propelled me to say my piece in a dignified way of course.
    -cute things
    -going with the flow

  10. #10


    -getting the recaps done
    -accomplishing things of my things i've always wanted to do/experience/accomplish list
    -finally getting that time of the month
    -the internet
    -work accomplishments
    -artist from months ago getting back to me
    -chocolate cupcakes
    -iced hazelnut almond lattes
    -laying with T kitten and L kitten and falling asleep with them both in my bed
    -good vegan food
    -practicing gratitude more
    -getting $20 today
    -doing some reading today
    -getting more things cleaned and organized today
    -see T cat climb up a tree. poor thing went a little high and got scared but made it down.
    -my kind heartedness
    -positive mental affirmations/mantras
    -trying to trust life and let go
    -listening to my hypnosis audios. twice in a row they put me to sleep.
    -my intelligence
    -my creativity
    Last edited by buttercup; 7th August 2017 at 08:08 AM.

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