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Thread: About suicide

  1. #11

    Re: About suicide

    I have published this article on a number of forums and there was a lot of discussion going on. Recently a very interesting post has appeared which I think might shed some light into the mechanics of suicide:

    "I think everyone has met a lower vibration entity, even if they didn't realize it. The larva as you call them would be well established before the person actually commits the act, so I get what you are saying.

    From another view, most people would be committing suicide as a form of relief, to end the pain, depression or what ever negative feelings they have. It could be possible that the absolute will and intent of the person to rid themselves of these feelings, to such an extent of taking their own life would be enough to set them free from them (like a ritual)."

    This is something I personally haven't considered, but from the occult perspective this totally can hold true and it also explains why some people had a positive NDE experience after commiting an unsuccessful suicide attempt.

  2. #12
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    Re: About suicide

    Hmm I thought it would be appropriate if I would quote what Seth has to say about suicide (from Seth Speaks) I hope it's ok- it's a different point of view.
    "Suicides, as a class, for example, do not have any particular "punishment" meted out to them, nor is their condition any worse a priori. They are treated as individuals. Any problems that were not faced in this life will, however, be faced in another one. This applies not only to suicides, however.A suicide may bring about his own death because he rejects existence on any but highly specific terms chosen by himself. If this is the case, then of course he will have to learn differently. Many others, however, choose to deny experience while within the physical system, committing suicide quite as effectively while still physically alive.
    The conditions connected with an act of suicide are also important, and the inner reality and realization of the individual. I mention this here because many philosophies teach that suicides are met by a sort of special, almost vindictive fate, and such is not the case. However, if a person kills himself, believing that the act will annihilate his consciousness forever, then this false idea may severely impede his progress, for it will be further intensified by guilt.
    Again, teachers are available to explain the true situation. Various therapies are used. For example, the personality may be led back to the events prior to the decision. Then the personality is allowed to change the decision. An amnesia effect is induced, so that the suicide itself is forgotten. Only later is the individual informed of the act, when he is better able to face it and understand it."
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  3. #13

    Re: About suicide

    Yes Dontco, I have both of Seths books but haven't read them for a while.
    I am lead to believe that deceased spirits who are helping on the other side are doing this for our benefit and with love and compassion. I don't believe this is fairy tale wishful thinking.
    On the other hand we know that our mind can create our own hell like experiences, depending on the state of mind, and yes many would also add similar energies would be attracted to this. Hell is created.
    So maybe the condition of the mind during the suicide will meet with the similar energy that attracts to it but I think myself that the spirit helpers are there for you and it may just be a case of trying to be perceived by this person between all the horrible stuff around upon leaving physical.
    From my experience to the after death zone I concluded my father was still not aware because he had no belief in the after life but it seemed he was being cared for by spirit and was safe.
    We create our own hell, it's just left to trying to see the help there in amongst all the mess.

  4. #14

    Re: About suicide

    Stop scarying people about Hell that arise after suicide death. It really depends on human karma, which as buddisths states gets lot lower upon such commiting suicide, but it's mostly done because we haven't acomplished goals, which were meant here to happen and spiritual evolvement that some of us weren't able to reach. I've read tons of topic about it as my thoughts goes around and around that matter for almost 10 years now.

    Some of us pick before being born too hard paths for their yet not experienced spirits and find it tough to handle all the pain and suffering that is involved with learning. Some of us gets stuck and aren't able to move forward, just keep letting go and focus on trying find the right path, but I however truly can feel myself for those people as my life got a drag on me too.

    But above all it's a person decision. I would rather compare it with temporary relief after sometimes very painfull moments in life. You still get a chance of OBE's as I think Robert explained it, chance of fullfilling our dreams before we are truly able to let go and get ready for next reincarnation where we will have to face same difficultiess once again. Reassuming I treat it more like temporary healing and than continuing our road and we'll have to face problem once again. We can't run away, we just make the path longer.

    I guess if someone did it holding grudges, having plenty of evil emotions, doing it for revenge or different evil purpose than the "Hell" may appear as an answer to our inner needs, but in different example when we just can't handle it we should find temporary "temple" where our souls may regenerate and prepare for facing problem over again maybe in different body.

    I've encountered some reports were psychic familly were accually happy and the decreased were even happier in "afterlife", it really depends on cirrcumstance. Well, pain may be a big factor and it might still take some time till it's over. But nothing is ethernal, there is no such feeling beside "Love". If you relay on Christan religion than I wouldn't stay in heaven a day knowing that some of us are down under...

    It's just another attachment to that feeling that righteousness is real and all the evil will suffer. What a stupid idea. It's all a feeling and those who keep on hurting others might just take longer stay in this "Hell" we live in already. Because they can't realise higherselves, whom I would compare to "aliens", who live in peace and balance and love. So evildoers stay away from Enlightment for longer and let it be enough. I don't won't anyone to suffer more than it's sufficent.

  5. #15
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    Re: About suicide

    Anybody ever sat with and been completely and nonjudgmentally present with someone seriously planning to end their life or who have actually attempted? I have. Suicidal ideation is much more common than society in general is aware of. I think its a good idea to have open discussions but I get concerned - ok sad when folks moralize and project spiritual assumptions on anothers' intractable pain.

  6. #16

    Re: About suicide

    Quote Originally Posted by Dreamweaver View Post
    Anybody ever sat with and been completely and nonjudgmentally present with someone seriously planning to end their life or who have actually attempted? I have. Suicidal ideation is much more common than society in general is aware of. I think its a good idea to have open discussions but I get concerned - ok sad when folks moralize and project spiritual assumptions on anothers' intractable pain.
    Agreed. Better if we all pray, meditate or just send positive emotions to those ones in need (guess I'll have to focus on self first) rather than waste our mental effort on assumptions. For example, for me it's not really pain, but just a neverending curiosity of what's really out there, something really different. Hell would be nice. Hot and at least not empty .

  7. #17

    Re: About suicide

    Liberator, I'm not sure if your addressing the last post which was mine.
    The fact that you mentioned hell makes me think you are.
    If that's the case I suggest strongly you re- read the entire thread and come to a conclusion that I am suggesting the spirit world is there for EVERYONE. who commits scuicide.
    The reference of hell was only a word using as a reference for the state of mind. How many hundreds of posts on this forum alone talk of realy bad dreams because they had a bad day, people encountering what they see as frightening negs when consciously leaving body because they were frightened.
    So my two thoughts once again are 1) I believe the spirit world are there to help us upon passing .2) the state of the mind may hinder contact.
    That's all I intend to add on my thoughts on this topic.
    However, if you were not referring to my post, then I've made a bit of a prat of my self and shall go and hide in the corner.
    Have a good day, and pleasant dreams.

  8. #18
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    Re: About suicide

    Quote Originally Posted by susan View Post
    So my two thoughts once again are 1) I believe the spirit world are there to help us upon passing .2) the state of the mind may hinder contact.
    Yep I agree. With this.

    I don't believe that we are just creating "sunny story's" to make ourselves feel better. Actually I think it's the other way I had said before , suicide by itself is not bad or evil. The intention however can make it a bad thing (just like everything else).

    With all respect to the original poster I understand that you are giving something that should be helpful...but personally I did not appreciate this post that filled me with fear of suicide. Something that I would never do in my life either way.

    The "bad" things about suicide? We'll if you are on a "mission" or have objectives to finish on Earth, have a lesson to learn here or something. We'll suicide might interrupt that mission, because I see it as a "quit button" , an "eject" or "mission abort". Like what Liberator said it could be a time to rest or take a breather . However it is not a total escape, and you will (probably) need to return to relearn that lesson or whatever. So still by committing suicide you are not making yourself any favors, if anything you are just delaying your own growth.

    I think somebody said something about how a person can "sacrifice " himself to change the life of another person that was on his way to a "bad" life (or something). Of course this "sacrifice" can be done by this case suicide is used for a "good" thing. It's silly to think that a person would be condemned to an eternity of Hell for a good deed.

    This is my personal opinion of course.
    Last edited by MooSaysTheCat; 5th November 2014 at 01:26 AM.
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  9. #19
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    Re: About suicide

    In my view suicide has nothing to do with morality. It does imply a dis-connect from out greater self, as we chose to be here, and forcing ourselves out by suicide is a sort of "giving up", and often people who do commit suicide believe that they will cease to exist, if they knew with every fibre of their being that it is not possible for them "not to exist", then it would be very unlikely for them to commit suicide in the first place. To me it is a gross misunderstanding on the material reality we create and chose to be a part of.

    I am grateful every day that I came back from that place, and now know the error of my thoughts and feelings at that time.
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  10. #20
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    Re: About suicide

    Quote Originally Posted by Liberator View Post
    Agreed. Better if we all pray, meditate or just send positive emotions to those ones in need (guess I'll have to focus on self first) rather than waste our mental effort on assumptions. For example, for me it's not really pain, but just a neverending curiosity of what's really out there, something really different. Hell would be nice. Hot and at least not empty .
    Hi Liberator,
    I want to tell you my experience what I call the divider-line....between duality and infinity (Oneness). I have also Before this expereince did feel as you seam to feel, about hell being fun and crowdy and Heaven empty and dull....I got to experience that there is ALL and EVERYTHING...but you can not enter if you still have negative feelings and can´t chare all with everyone...and I got to feel that I was not there yet, so I do understand that I have much work still to do, but atleast I now know what to work with so to I just send to you your willingness to get this experience too, so after that you have the understanding for the difficulties you face is for your own good, as a teaching device...and if facing this in right way, and willingness to learn from it, it will turn to Peace and happiness and joy and LOVE...real LOVE.
    Through this experience you get to learn why and what FORGIVNESS is for, it is the KEY for the liberation of you.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

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