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Thread: Can you hear that frequency?

  1. #11
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    Re: Can you hear that frequency?

    From what I learned- when the ears can't hear a certain frequency well- because it's too high/low pitched (there could be loads of reasons, like hearing too much loud music with or without headphones, but a person's hearing deteriorates with age- it usually begins to deteriorate in the third decade of life but nowadays with young people it begins earlier because of loud music and such). So what the brain does- it makes you hear a certain "ringing" sound in your ears, instead- to make up for the sound that your ears can't pick up.

    And BTW- I can hear it too sometimes, in my right ear mostly
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  2. Re: Can you hear that frequency?

    Quote Originally Posted by ButterflyWoman View Post
    Studies with people in soundproof rooms have shown that in the absence of other noise, people can actually hear air circulating (as in, the molecules) and the sound of dust particles moving around and all kinds of "microscopic" sound. The thing where you "tune out" some sounds is a matter of focus, and if there's nothing more significant to focus on, your brain starts to focus on smaller and smaller sounds, and some of them are pretty weird.
    The thing you said about sound-proof room studies is very interesting. I totally get focusing on other things and even M.B.A. will help which i just tried totally helps (it even mutes it when I'm really focused, and I just forget about it, which is nice) Although, this particular night when I started this thread, I was in frequency pergatory. Even with the TV connected to my head phones on loud, I couldn't stop hearing it. I'm sure stress (I had 2 midterms the next day) and the fact that I was admitting it was driving me crazy made it even louder and hard to ignore. I will try M.B.A. or N.E.W. in the future to counteract it but I just want to know, when one is exhausted and stressed (difficulty meditating), what are said one's options?

  3. #13
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    Re: Can you hear that frequency?

    If you're really bothered by it, see a doctor. There are treatments for tinnitus that might help. I understand there's something with white noise, but I haven't looked into it much. There are also a few health conditions that have ringing ears/tinnitus as a symptom, so that's worth checking out, as well.
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  4. #14
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    Re: Can you hear that frequency?

    Quote Originally Posted by Searching4Guru View Post
    The thing you said about sound-proof room studies is very interesting. I totally get focusing on other things and even M.B.A. will help which i just tried totally helps (it even mutes it when I'm really focused, and I just forget about it, which is nice) Although, this particular night when I started this thread, I was in frequency pergatory. Even with the TV connected to my head phones on loud, I couldn't stop hearing it. I'm sure stress (I had 2 midterms the next day) and the fact that I was admitting it was driving me crazy made it even louder and hard to ignore. I will try M.B.A. or N.E.W. in the future to counteract it but I just want to know, when one is exhausted and stressed (difficulty meditating), what are said one's options?
    It's possible that that particular night there was some atmospheric disturbance going on. When there are abrupt atmospheric pressure changes the ears can ring- mine do, I immediately know when the pressure changes- my own early thunderstorm warning system. Or at the onset of a cold too, when sinuses plug up and the pressures change inside the ears.
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  5. #15
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    Re: Can you hear that frequency?

    I hear it also. The Kauai Monastery's writings say that the high pitched "eeee" sound is caused by the Ida and pineda nerve currents.
    (I may have then spelled wrong) Each is at a different frequency. You should be able to hear each and the combined tones. (Of course this is not including any physical damage). Sometimes it is Very Loud.

    Also, when you hear a tone, they say beings are known by their tone. But; I think this is when you hear a tone suddenly. This is not the same as the steady "eee" sound.

    If it is not too bothersome,, concentrating on it can produce the trance state.

    I'm only stating what I've read and experienced.


  6. #16
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    Re: Can you hear that frequency?

    Ida and Pingala. I didn't want to edit yours, so here it is.
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  7. #17
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    Re: Can you hear that frequency?

    "Eeee" that's a perfect description. Sometimes over the background eeeee I get a sudden, louder, "incoming" eeee of a slightly different tone. I joke with my husband that I'm receiving transmissions from the ether lol. But it makes sense to me also that I have hearing -damage ( glorious results of a misspent youth).

  8. #18
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    Re: Can you hear that frequency?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dreamweaver View Post
    Sometimes over the background eeeee I get a sudden, louder, "incoming" eeee of a slightly different tone.
    I get that, too, sometimes. The "key change" thing.

    I'm pretty sure mine is ear damage, too. When I was a kid, we used to go to the shooting range and I never wore ear protection (nobody did, it was a long time ago and people were stupider or something), and then I used to blast my music in earphones back in the days before earphones were regulated to try to protect your ears. And I went to a few rock concerts in the Eighties without ear protection (I learned my lesson after the first one and went with earplugs after that and found I could hear everything perfectly well but not have my ears ring literally for days afterward). But, alas, the damage is done...

    Thankfully, I'm actually not that bothered by it most of the time.
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  9. #19
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    Re: Can you hear that frequency?

    The sound I hear is intense yet gentle....and I have nothing to compare the sound with what we have here on Earth....but it does invade me totally....and it has several purposes...even to fill me with love and Comfort....but also to allert my senses....

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  10. #20
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    Re: Can you hear that frequency?

    At times, when its not very loud, it is comforting. Sometimes I just listen to it; to "see" what happens, kind of like exploring it.
    If I can recall correctly, I think Robert Monroe mentions it, but I can't recall where I've read it.

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