I've recently started to notice that I am very attuned to knowing future events. I mostly sense it through other people's body language and the vibes around me. I can tell when something bad is about to happen or how someone is feeling. Every single time I have gotten stolen from I have known it was going to happen beforehand. A girl stole from me about 6 months ago and I knew she was going to do it. I figured out it was all in her body language and events leading up that clued me in. She was one of my roommate's friends and came knocking on our door at 3 am. He let her in because it was raining. The next morning she knocked on my bedroom asking to use my phone to call her mom. She had been at our house before and I had never gotten a good vibe from her. I thought my roommate was going take her home and I didn't have time to take her before work so I ended up leaving. Before that though I had a very bad feeling so after she left the room I hid all of my money. All day I had that lingering feeling and of course when I got home I saw she took my laptop, book bag, and my digital camera. Luckily I got them back but ever since then I've been starting to trust my gut feeling when it comes to people.

Another time recently was when my roommate's friend stole 160 dollars of his rent money out of my room. His friend was in our room when my roommate put it in a little box when I got this instant "bad feeling" and ended up hiding my money in a different drawer. when we went to pay rent is when we noticed it gone. The funny thing about it is that I always had a bad feeling about his friend, he would come over nearly everyday and would linger. He wasn't rude or anything but I just got a bad vibe from him. I told my boyfriend about it quite a few times but he dismissed it as me being paranoid. After this happened I told him that he needed to start trusting my gut feeling about people. This isn't the first two times that I have been right about knowing someone's character upon meeting them and interacting with them. I don't know if this is clairvoyance or just being empathic but it can be very hard to deal with when no one else around you understands.