When I was little, I used to have nightmares, as most kids do. I remember my Dad telling me that when that happens, to take control of the dream, to change it and fight back. I remember having a dream where I was being attacked, I woke up very scared. I remembered what he told me and went back into the dream - to the point where what was after me almost got me. I changed it, I think I ended up becoming some radical warrior chick and killing my attacker. Other dreams, I would jump up and fly to safety.

I haven't done this in a long while, as after I fought back in my dreams, the nightmares seemed to stop. I have had a few nightmares where I wasn't able to go back and change things though, but the times that I was able to, it made me feel a lot better.

Was what my father taught me a method of lucid dreaming?