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Thread: Confused as to what you actually do with energy.

  1. #1

    Confused as to what you actually do with energy.

    I've been reading a few books on the occult, yoga/chi gung, etc. As far as I can gather, you can use exersices to raise your energy, use them get rid of old energy that needs to be drained to make way for the new , keeping old energy is unhealthy.

    But when you have the raised energy, I'm not sure what you do with it - whether you just keep it high to be a more effective person in life, relationships, conflicts, or use it for some kind of reality manifesting, directing it into rituals.

    Wondering what everyone here does with their energy once they've raised/refreshed it.

  2. #2
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    Re: Confused as to what you actually do with energy.

    I would also like to know more about this. To be honest I'm not even sure what IS this energy.
    What is a "Signature"? Oooh I see now...

  3. #3
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    Re: Confused as to what you actually do with energy.

    I only use it to ease with projection and healing.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #4
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    Re: Confused as to what you actually do with energy.

    I use it for healing, lucid dreaming, and developing intuition and clairsentience .

  5. #5

    Re: Confused as to what you actually do with energy.

    Very much the same as already said.
    Raising energy the News way kick started the projections. From there everything else, the Clairs.........

  6. #6
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    Re: Confused as to what you actually do with energy.

    Yes, me too, very much the same as already said,
    Patience and hard work is what keep´s the energy to expand and give me more wisdom....
    Nothing come´s without patience and hard work.....when an expantion has happen there will be a moment of rest, but then I have to start to work again...and work for me is my way.....

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  7. #7

    Re: Confused as to what you actually do with energy.

    Actually, there are several "types" of basic energies (we divide them so to simplicize things, technically it's too large topic to break down here ), which Robert Bruce referred to as dimensions: ethereal, astral and so on. This classification in some ways, especially when related to yoga, chi gung / qi gong, etc. might be confusing though. In brief, there are more "matter-close" energies, and higher-frequency subtle ones.

    What people usually have on their mind when considering excercises like qi-gong, it's more physical (as a frequency) energy. You may then:
    - either transform it into the sublte one
    - or use it for your physical body to improve it, get better condition, healing etc.
    - or use it directly to impact your energetic system

    It takes training self to leave this energy alone, intact: most people are just not used to have so much energy, so their energy system naturally finds a way to dissolve it. So, I think, it's better to not exeggarate with such excercises, and keep observing your energy and condition.

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    Re: Confused as to what you actually do with energy.

    That's one thing I noticed when I studied Tai Chi and QiGong- While yoga brings the energy 'up' and I feel more 'light' and it actually helps with projection, my TaiChi practice and QiGong exercises moved it 'down' and seems to have grounded it greatly. NEW seems to keep it where it is, with it's 'starting at the bottom and finishing it on the top' and 'doing circuits'- moving it around but neither lifting it or grounding it.
    Arcant, do you have a lot of expeience with QiGong? Does this ever change? I'm curious. I left the practice because of health reasons, and wonder if I had stuck with it longer it would have balanced itself out.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #9

    Re: Confused as to what you actually do with energy.

    CFTraveler interesting experiences. I didn't excercise yoga, I have no comparison then.

    I wasn't a dedicated student to any Qi Gong masters, or anything like that. So, I don't follow any formal way, but rather try to develop the way that could be called "natural". I mean, we all develop (even those who consider themselves not developing at all), and the most important thing as I noticed when increasing the awareness to energies is to not disallow it to do so - then it works, all the time, on many levels (many of which we don't even realize). With regard to Qi Gong, I indeed practice some excercises - the ones I just found working well for myself. But I'm not going to get any degrees or mastery in this or that formal area, if this is what you mean

    But, of course, generally I do have experiences with energies (like probably everyone here). Qi-Gong starts with "grounding", as you call it, and in increasing the personal energy resources. In this sense, it's very practical, and makes your overall state better during the day. The effects are instant. But of course this is not the whole subject about Qi-Gong; there are more subtle, mind excercises related to Qi-Gong, or to Taoist Alchemy. Perhaps you have heard about it.

    To the health matters, well this is another subject, and I'm also coping with it in a way (unfortunetely it is the issue from my earliest childhood; the "health or energy incompabilities" I would call them). I found many Qi-Gong advices, or in general Taoists advices (I'm not a Taoist myself), very helpful. I recommend them to anyone, particularly having such problems, to at least take a look at what Taoist view on the universe, and human energy system, is. It might be a little challanging though, since I haven't found any single handbook on the subject that covers the whole thing directly, or in the most satisfying way. But being practical, it suits my needs.

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    Re: Confused as to what you actually do with energy.

    Thanks for such a comprehensive answer, arcant. I know a little bit of the theory of chinese medicine (from translating books, not actual study) so the Taoist perspective would be interesting to study, I imagine. Thanks again.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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