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Thread: Confused as to what you actually do with energy.

  1. #11

    Re: Confused as to what you actually do with energy.

    No problem. Chinese medicine is very interesting, but I found that one needs to be careful about the terms there, because usually they're presented without a context, or even more full understanding of these terms. Otherwise it's easy to find oneself in a confusion, or sticking to the mechanical activities that "need" to be applied. Partly because this is a very ancient tradition, which referred to way of thinking and naming things by the ancient people (in a more metaphoric or symbollic way, with symbols having then clear references, which in time in many cases have been lost).

  2. #12
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    Re: Confused as to what you actually do with energy.

    I've been following this thread and had a long think about what (if anything) to add to it.

    I use energy to create thoughtforms and so on, and also to project an aura of various sorts. I tend to radiate "mother goddess" most of the time (that's my default, and it happens without me even thinking about it), and people react to that. I can change it, though, by changing my energy aura. I can pretty much go invisible (not literally invisible, but I can melt into the scenery and also sort of deflect people's attention, sort of like a cloaking device or something along those lines), I can radiate "I'm here now, step aside!" I can radiate "I belong here, just leave me be and it's all good" (something I learned when living as a single female in a pretty rough neighborhood), and probably other stuff, though I can't think what else I'd try. (When I was young, I tended to radiate a kind of "Hey, I'm hot to trot" aura, but I don't do that one any more because, errr, I'm not that hot to trot now ).

    I also use it for subtle communication, particularly with animals. The most common is, "It's okay, I won't hurt you" and "I love you" but there could be other kinds of communication with some animals as required.

    The force has a strong influence on the weak-minded. And energy auras can have a strong effect on pretty much everyone, but especially on people who are not very self-aware or energy-aware in a conscious way.
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  3. #13

    Re: Confused as to what you actually do with energy.

    Thanks for the replies, all being read and thought over.

  4. #14
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    Re: Confused as to what you actually do with energy.

    Oh, I had another thought about this. I used to do public speaking and a bit of amateur acting, and I was always told I had very good stage presence. Thinking back, I think it's because of the way I used energy. I was not consciously aware of it then, but I've always instinctively understood about creating an energy aura (I've been doing the "disappear into the woodwork" thing since I was a kid, for example). I suspect that really good actors probably use their energy fields to create part of the persona you see, and that's what makes it believable. Charisma is certainly a kind of energetic presence, as well.
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  5. #15

    Re: Confused as to what you actually do with energy.

    Quote Originally Posted by ButterflyWoman View Post
    (When I was young, I tended to radiate a kind of "Hey, I'm hot to trot" aura, but I don't do that one any more because, errr, I'm not that hot to trot now ).
    Well, it's very interesting to read insights like these. Very mind-developing. Anyway, what about just starting radiating a "hot" thing(s) once more? Not sure what were you referring to with the "mother goddess"

  6. #16
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    Re: Confused as to what you actually do with energy.

    Quote Originally Posted by arcant View Post
    Anyway, what about just starting radiating a "hot" thing(s) once more?
    Well, I could, but I'm not looking for that kind of attention or those kinds of connections now.

    Quote Originally Posted by arcant View Post
    Not sure what were you referring to with the "mother goddess"
    Mother Goddess is a kind of archetype. I tend toward a fairly Jungian view of archetypes, and, I admit, I've also been quite influenced by Joseph Campbell's writings on mythology and archetypes, so I also tend to view them through a Campbellian lens. However, the philosophical concept of archetypes goes back to Plato, at least (probably someone thought of it earlier, but Plato wrote it down (actually, Arisotole wrote it down, having been a student of Plato) and people still read it).

    Just to get you started (if you're interested):

    It's an interesting concept, and a quite useful one. I generally seem to be Mother Goddess these days, which is fine (I don't do it on purpose; it just evolved that way and that's the way it is), but I have a fair bit of the Trickster in the mix, too.
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  7. #17

    Re: Confused as to what you actually do with energy.

    Yes, archetype is a great concept I'm using too. Yet, I have problems to explain to others particular archetypes, especially in brief. Also, I often find myself in difficulties to understand others' explanations on what they refer to.

    I saw many women having preferences to something like "Mother Goddess", "Mother Earth", "Gaya" etc. They often even chose nicknames as such. But every time it happened to stumble upon it, I was puzzled about it, having / feeling no connection to this archetype at all (in a sense of "stranger", "unkown" or "not-understandable").

    It's said that image is worth of many words (thousands or other number; doesn't matter ). But when you look at it, you see only your own mental associations, brought forth in one moment. If the author's ones are similar to yours, you look at the same thing. If not, you're looking at something else what he or she created.

    Images are similar to archetypes. I think the main problem with archetypes is that if you have no personal experiences about some specific archetype, you're probably unable to understand it, no matter how much explanation others provide to you.

    So in brief, it seems that archetypes are not a perfect mean for communication, when too many differences exist (and this is where communication is mostly needed).

  8. #18
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    Re: Confused as to what you actually do with energy.

    Archetypes are not as archetypical as Plato wanted them to be, that's correct. But the image of "a mother" is pretty much universal, which is where the archetype comes in. In fact, "mother goddess" varies greatly from culture to culture and from person to person. Quan Yin, the Virgin Mary, Isis, Demeter, even Kali is a mother goddess figure. All of these are quite different, but they have a kind of "core" of similarity. The idea of a mother-creator (or, at least, a mother-protector deity) is present in all of them (though Kali also has some pretty strong "destroyer" aspects, as well, which makes her one of the more interesting figures, IMHO). Isis has some Trickster aspects, Quan Yin is kind of like a feminine Buddha, and Mary, of course, is a virgin, a quite unusual quality in a mother...

    My image of Mother Goddess varies, but the thing is, I didn't choose it. It kind of chose me. I only see it from the perspective of being it, kind of like how you only see your own face when you look in a reflective surface. People react to the "mother" aspect, though, sometimes more or less dramatically. People who have unresolved negative mother issues can react very badly, indeed, but those who respond well to the nurturing aspect will see that and interact with that, instead. Some people kind of go into "child mode" of various sorts (looking for approval, being defiant, all the stuff kids do to test their mothers). Pretty interesting to observe, when I take the time to step back and do so. And, of course, some people don't really seem to react much to it at all.
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  9. #19
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    Re: Confused as to what you actually do with energy.

    Hi BW,

    This is a good Picture of the under the divider-line puts the deity Kali for example and the Mary above the divider-line. These two are good Picture of the difference under and above so to speak...because it is so difficult to tell a difference in Words, but somehow I can understand to be good examples....I want to add that it is the qualities what is presented, what leads to understand the symbolism.

    Last edited by IA56; 27th January 2015 at 12:30 PM.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  10. Re: Confused as to what you actually do with energy.

    ButterflyWoman, you are an interesting individual. :]

    Learning about energy, about raising it, about controlling it is commonly unexpected to be very important.

    I got pulled into energy work because it was impactful in a way that it opened my mind. Suddenly, I felt like a child again. I was getting my imagination back when before it was taken from me by society. I was able to realize that I am as creative as I was, potentially speaking.

    I tell you, once you break those chains (Plato reference), you will feel complete.

    I still use energy work to keep control of Self and, in a positive way, improve or affect those around me.

    But the very first reason why I researched energy work was for psychic defense. Weird thing about practicing this too: After a while, I believe it becomes automatic or practicing energy work in general makes it so that if something is sapping from you, you don't even feel it because I imagine it's like... My aura is like a big dog and their aura is like a chihuahua. They can only make their presence known but I look passed them because they will never affect me, you understand? lol bad analogy..

    Also, once you practice these things, you begin to see other people with, i would call, gifts. You spot them like vampires for you are also a vampire, metaphorically speaking.

    These gifted people I speak of, you spot them because they're mind is open like your own. You see their aura; you see their potential; you can see their above-average awareness; you can see their intelligence; you can see that they are going to make, if not already making, a difference in the world in a positive way.

    The same could be said about the opposite. You can spot bad-juju; you can see them in/on people.

    Additionally, I would like to mention a third kind of persona. This type of aura I see most people have. It's scary. Most of the population (at least in America) are on neutral. So accustomed to an automatic life; never having to think for self or for community. They stare at facebook in their mobile devices so long that they are developing back problems. I love technology but I hate what it does to people. It's like they're zombies. You try to talk to one in a critical way (about life or beliefs for example) and they always go, "I hadn't really thought about it."

    It drives me nuts and I don't but I'd like to ask, "What have you really thought about, ever?"

    Energy work is a beautiful realization because you know you can influence people in a positive way -- a way that could really make a difference in their life.

    It opens your mind, it opens your heart, and it makes you stronger.

    I believe if there were to be peace on earth, wisdom of this must be widely possessed.

    I believe we can get there and it starts now, wherever you may be.

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