(previous post had been updated 02mar2015 16:41 GMT)

13 The layer of the mental structures

Is necessary a methodology a sequence of steps that must be followed to create a mental structure

The mind if full of mental structures of different kinds and can be isolated or inside of different bigger mental structures in different levels,
they can be present in one or more egos minds including the subconsciousness,
they can be activated as an integrated structure or can be activated as isolated structures
-Simply internalises one fact of reality.
-Motivates a functioning in the mind.
-Set a decision one ego took in a specific moment.
-Set a qualification of the being or ego.
-Set a property in the being or ego.
-Set a function and the process use to execute it.
-Set a goal, a state that must be reach.
-Set a full system, that reach a goal keeping the mind in a specific state.

The effect in the mind of this structure depends in which mind is set and the current distribution of egos in the mind of egos, usually the ego in the control area (the internal part of the skull) uses to receive this structure and the effect of the subconsciousness one it receives this mental structure.
An internalised reality can be or cannot be integrated, in example a internalized reality can be integrated to a process to define how to do something or as the basement of a decision.
The internalised reality can have a special priority depending of the source, specially if it comes from the parents, the interesting is this really don't have to really come from the parents, else the subconscious has to believe it comes from them, based on several factors, like prior identification, voice, etc.
The mental structures can be organized in systems and reside in one or more egos to execute a specific function in the mind.
The mental structure can reside in one egos and not in others, this means there is the need activate egos and teach them, new abilities, because usually an ego or group of egos is activate to execute a function, and the other egos are not activated, or are not conscious of that knowledge, so they don't learn it.

The simplified sequence to create a motivational internalised model of the reality
- Internalised reality
- The presence of a motivator
- Internal Motivation reality, when the Internalised reality is integrated to the motivator

The sequence to create systems
This is the simplified sequence to create a mental system.
-defines the state that must be keep inside and/or outside the being,
-the possible incorrect states that must be changed.
-the process that correct the incorrect states.
-the egos assigned to execute this tasks
-the monitoring to detect that incorrect states.
-The functions that executes the processes.
-The structure and energy the ego needs to execute the system.

14 The layer of the language
The language defines some mental structures in some layers, and the information on the other layers are filled by our experience and mind structures.
To structure the mind we uses word, this means we need to structure the words carefully in all the layers when possible.

15 The Layer of the Plan of Life
This is the Plan we do for ourselves, including goals, strategy, and finally the daily tasks we execute.

16 The layer of the programming of the Mind
The programming of the mind is:
- Creating the circuits per role that structures the being for a specific role
- Uploading to the mind the structures you have created.
- Creating monitoring and triggers to fix incorrect states
- Associating dynamically the desired mental structure to any kind of internal or external motivator, to keep it current in the mind

- The circuits is the cyclic execution of several flows that structures the being
- The flows are sequence of activation of mental structures in the mind, all the mental structures are organized in systems and the systems are activated through flows.

17 The layer of activating the mind
This is the layer of activating the mental structures in the mind, making current all what we created and uploaded in the mind, because all the structures including triggers, and tasks of monitoring must be current in the minds to be effective.

18 The internalization of the current state of the reality (perception)
The subconscious is on charge of activating the egos based on specific external motivators, this means even if you are awake, not all your egos are active, in example, if you are in danger several egos are activated and you enter in a role of survival.
The important here is to understand that this will only happens if the subconscious receive a clear message of what is happening outside and it is interpreted as real, that is the reason because the "it is not real" is a very harmful inhibitor for the being.

19 The mental life, the implosion and complete activation of the structure of the being per role (the right to own the area of the being, expanding on it)
If an ego is not active, with the proper mental structure, with the proper qualification and identification, the correct Him, etc. then it is not alive, the ego is present in some level and express some kind of life, but it is not real alive.
We are going to define alive an ego is alive when it has the optimal mental structure we can give to him in a specific moment.

In the creation of every structures we must focus on how it will fit in every structure of the being per role.

20 The layer overload positively the structure of the being
Because mentally the life is like in the physical world, like a jungle, is necessary to set very complex structures to guarantee the ego to be activated correctly.
Based on my experience, the best strategy is instead of trying to set very complex mental structure about how the mental and spiritual world works, is better to overload positively the structure.
This is essential for the layer of mental life, of defence, of good functioning of the being, etc. In any mental structure the overload positively the being is necessary.
It includes any positive programming you can assign a person, including blessing, amazing expectations, authority of Him integrating with Him with several strategies, etc.
This positive structures implies the programming that any other peoples has incredible expectations on him, and reinforce the positive programming, moving to the person to be very positive with other people, for that reason is necessary to compensate this activating structures of prudence and prevision, and mental structures of how bad people operates.
In this way we structure ego child encouraged extremely positively and middle and higher egos, structures based on prudence, prevision and defence.

21 The layer of the methodology of the Mental Structure: The good functioning per role
This is the design of how thing must be in the structures of the being.
This a mental structure that sets precisely how the mind must be structure per layer to work correctly.
And how once that structure is created is set in the egos and subconsciousness.
In This is layer is defined what is the minimal functioning, the optimal function, and the best functioning of the mind.

22 The layer of the maintenance current load in the mind of the egos AND in the structures inside of the body of egos.
Once the mental structures are created if they are not loaded in the minds, is almost like they don't exists.
This implies to clean up the body of egos and create the needed structures, and the monitoring of the mind of the egos in their own caves, and their correct loading.

23 Layer of the system of defence of the mind
Overload positively the mental structure is effective as a mental defence, because it creates optimal mental structures and keeps the attention and energy in the being.
But the variety of mental attacks requires a training and understanding of how it works and how to protect our own being.

Is important to note that if the ego child is awake, and the egos of the being are inhibited and displace, other being can project inside that being and take control of his body as if it would be his own body. If the ego child wake up he will have little or no control, of the being, because the areas of the higher ego minds, and control (the inner of the skull). And more important if the flow of energy that comes from ego child to higher mind is cut and the connect to the being is cut too, the higher mind can be attacked too, to this get these attack cause the elimination of the higher mind, several person must do this attack simultaneously and coordinately.

The ability to disconnect from other beings is essential for the mental life, this is done setting Internal Realities that set the right of the being, in example the property of the area where your being resides and the need to disconnect from other beings, giving a correct qualification in the subconsciousness to avoid contact. The development of abilities like the activation of the flow of energy and the aura as a technique for proteccion and attack are needed.
The fact you are in reality the integration of your egos and several other egos from other human beings and higher beings, makes difficult to simple disconnect, because you need to be connected and integrated to other beings, and the problem resides too in the fact if other being uses a friendly being to access your being.

One technique of defence to inhibit any ego projected inside of us not associated with the positive angel being, what identifies a positive angel being is the unconditional love that can sacrifice his own life to save other person. Like the love of a mother that love his own son or daughter and grants him with all positive and unconditional blesses and positive programming.