I was thinking about this strange dream I had a few weeks ago after I started working on this stuff.
I was in a house where apparently this couple lived. I was sitting at the kitchen breakfast table.
The woman comes in first and she greets me. Shes approaching from behind me and its talking but I don't remember what she said. She presses her finger into my the middle of my spine and i felt a mild jolt of electricity like if she pushed a button or fixed something in my back. and she walks to the kitchen and starts doing something over there to my left.
Then the man comes in and he greets me and they start talking to each other about me. I don't remember what they said but the impression i remember is that it was happy, almost humorous.
At some point the man says something along the lines of "make sure you come back later for class" or "he'll come back later for class" Then everything quickly faded out and I woke up