Dear RB, I would like to start by saying thank you. I first encountered your work when my H.S. brought me face to face with your book, Astral Dynamics, in 2009. I was very much naïve and skeptical back then. Today, I am grateful for your contributions to my mind and to humankind.

My 3 questions for you are:

1. How have you managed to spread so much knowledge (from who influences the running of our societies to how the greater reality functions) in our world without being stopped by the so called governmental powers that be?

2.Similarly, how have you managed to make a living by spreading information such as your RK course, that could so drastically open up minds to the truth, without having someone (terrestrial or otherwise) show up at your front door with the means to silence you?

3.Lastly, what advice could you give to someone who would also like to make their income from exploring the greater reality and spreading truth without being made to disappear mysteriously or die of an unprecedented case of food poisoning?

I ask these questions because in some of the interviews I have listened to or forum posts I have read, there does seem to be a point where you stop disclosing information, yet you always reveal just enough to turn the universe upside-down anyway.

I understand if you are unable to be too specific in your answers of these types of questions, but general guidance on these matters would very much be appreciated.
