AAAAaalso, I haven't had an OBE for a few days now, even though I'm trying very hard... I'm assuming that's fine though as I've looked at other people's posts talking about this. It's just that I basically had one every day for a few days in a row very easily, but they've stopped and I can't do it at all. I know it's only been a few days but I'm concerned that it's gonna continue on like this. BLAHHH.


....In fact, I haven't even been able to have my naps that I take to HAVE an OBE. I get tired and all the usual junk but I just can't seem to fall asleep. It's hella annoying. (Cause the way I've been able to have projections is by going to sleep for a nap - or waking up in the middle of the night and going back to bed for a couple hours - with a "chime"-style alarm set that wakes me up without having to move to turn it off, and I'm then able to project from there.... ESPECIALLY if it cuts a dream short, lol...)