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Thread: Locale 3

  1. #1

    Locale 3

    I read Robert Monroe's books a while ago and I remember him talking about "Locale 3" which had, what I gathered from it, a copy of every person in an alternate world with different machines and way of life. He was able to enter the body of "himself" in the other world. I was wondering.

    • Have you ever been to this place or was it unique to Monroe by means he created it himself subconsciously.
    • If this world is what he suspected it to be, made of anti matter, could there be a way for these words to communicate?
    • And if he could go into his "other self" could the same be reversed and happen to people in this world?

  2. #2
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    Re: Locale 3

    I believe Locale 3 would be in either the middle astral or the mental. It wouldn't have any materiality, but it would be made of the thoughts and beliefs or experience of others-conceptual. But if this is so, it's 'real' under its own rules, not the material worlds' rules.
    (I pluralized on purpose).
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: Locale 3

    I have some experience with alternative realities, and with shifting into alternatives of my self.

    There appear to be many (possibly infinite) alternative realities.

    And some of us shift between these realities...sometimes accidentally, and sometimes consciously.

    These shifts can happen astrally, through dreaming, and even physically.

    I think this happens more than we realize, reality shifting.

    I cannot think of any practical use for communicating with alternative realms during OBE. To any alternative reality, we are also an alternative reality. It is a fascinating subject.


  4. #4
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    Re: Locale 3

    Eek! I didn't realize this was in the 'ask Robert' area. Sorry!
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5

    Re: Locale 3

    Dear Sir...

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Bruce View Post
    I cannot think of any practical use for communicating with alternative realms during OBE.robert
    Respectfully, there is one. If not a sort of bidirectional communication, information related to alternative timelines could be gathered.

    From an academic viewpoint some historians plays with a subject they knows as Virtual History. To date this is not but theoretical speculations but through OBE it could get the category of Experimental History.

    There is at least a book related to: "Virtual History: Alternatives and Counterfactuals" by Niall Ferguson

    My best regards,
    Last edited by -asalantu-; 21st April 2015 at 07:21 PM.

  6. #6

    Re: Locale 3

    I have been to places like this many times, and even woken up in the bodies of people.

    But I do not know if this was exactly the same place as RM described.

    It is possible that alt' personalities would visit our universe, yes.

    This is an interesting area to explore.


  7. #7

    Re: Locale 3

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Bruce View Post
    I have some experience with alternative realities, and with shifting into alternatives of my self.

    There appear to be many (possibly infinite) alternative realities.

    And some of us shift between these realities...sometimes accidentally, and sometimes consciously.

    These shifts can happen astrally, through dreaming, and even physically.

    I think this happens more than we realize, reality shifting.

    I cannot think of any practical use for communicating with alternative realms during OBE. To any alternative reality, we are also an alternative reality. It is a fascinating subject.

    I'm completely with you on this one Robert, Reality Shifting is more than real, there are infinity number of parallel physical realities out there and the other Us is the gateway to those realities. I found if my clone is dead for some reason, I can't return to those. I think we are all connected (all other Us) through a silver cord.
    Last edited by Sh@dow; 5th June 2022 at 03:36 AM.

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