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Thread: What could it mean for your way of living?

  1. #1

    What could it mean for your way of living?

    I realise Kundalini manifests in different ways for people but after buying the course I am still a little dubious about actually doing it. I have read some people's kundalini raising diaries and some are bedridden for a year. Some have to give up their jobs. Other have kriyas for years. Most require very understanding partners (but what if you don't?). I don't even want to go near Gopi Krishna's book cos I know it will put me off completely.

    I am keen to do it but I just don't know if i am willing to risk ruining things in my life if I receive extreme symptoms. I realise everyone is different and some might have very mild symptoms. I understand that already being particularly 'spiritual' or maybe having years of experience with energy work doesn't necessarily mean your awakening will be easier either. Gopi Krishna being a prime example.

    Anyone have any thoughts?

  2. #2

    Re: What could it mean for your way of living?

    Problems with raising kundalini through energy work (body awareness tactile imaging) are uncommon.

    But, I read ya. All you hear is doom and gloom...'where angels fear to tread' ...and etc. This seems to be a common theme. But the reality of kundalini is quite different.

    If you and reasonably sane and stable and follow 'the golden rule' it is fairly safe to do.

    peace, robert

  3. #3

    Re: What could it mean for your way of living?

    Man I've been reading the same stuff... I'm thinking maybe this stuff isn't for me if it causes ur life to fall apart then why do it I've been through enough tough times and am at a point in my life where I'm happy and my family's depends on me to be that way and to bring home the bacon so makes me think maybe I should just forget about it but I'm really intrigued not in raising K but obe etc

  4. #4

    Re: What could it mean for your way of living?

    I have not had a single student have their life fall apart due to experimenting with OBE, meditation, Kundalini, etc.

    But myths abound.... and most of the horror stories you might hear come from unstable people experimenting. Even simple meditation can cause an unstable person to go off the rails.

    peace, robert

    Quote Originally Posted by Mattleh22 View Post
    Man I've been reading the same stuff... I'm thinking maybe this stuff isn't for me if it causes ur life to fall apart then why do it I've been through enough tough times and am at a point in my life where I'm happy and my family's depends on me to be that way and to bring home the bacon so makes me think maybe I should just forget about it but I'm really intrigued not in raising K but obe etc

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Louisville Ky.

    Re: What could it mean for your way of living?

    I blew, I dont know, at least a good partial K, years ago after competely ignoring RB's advise against Over stimulating energy centers and the effects where substantial. They match more or less with the things you read about thoughout the web. Ofcourse thats what you get for acting irresponsibly lolol . There are however many good things that come about as a result of its "raising", even in my case where I wasnt the least bit prepared. It puts you in touch, albeit temporarily with apart of Something you had no idea about previously, and for me atleast, changed my life for the better forever. And besides In my case, I got warning signs that it was about to happen, you get HUGE HUGE energy spikes just before....Spikes you cant mistake for anything normal while doing energy work, you know when they hit ahhhh something seriously out of the ordinary is coming if you continue... It was kinda my last chance to stop the energy manipulations and cool it. Lol ofcourse once those kinda energy levels are pumping it is so tempting to keep it up and see what happens, the momentum being what it is. Yeah It blew my mind sky high for a couple hours, you get supper twitchy along your torso, much more sensitive to Any energies around you, disassociation was a big problem for me, ect..ect..ect.. and ofcourse symptoms start out heavy and fade/change over the course of a couple months. Not to mention lol the unbelievable abdominal slow motion twist/cramps you get at onset. One thing about it you sure Know when its happening lol. There's no guess work about that. The worst effect is it sets your Base on Fire for weeks. But it was all worth it for me. Im not so sure I would recommend it if you just chasing Phenomenon like I believe so many do (including myself at the time) but In any regard I would advise some level of Prep work. sorry for the rambling
    I sent my soul through the Invisible. Some letter of that After-life to spell: And by and by my Soul returned to me and answered. "I Myself am Heaven and Hell." - Omar Kayyam

  6. #6

    Re: What could it mean for your way of living?

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Bruce View Post
    Problems with raising kundalini through energy work (body awareness tactile imaging) are uncommon.

    But, I read ya. All you hear is doom and gloom...'where angels fear to tread' ...and etc. This seems to be a common theme. But the reality of kundalini is quite different.

    If you and reasonably sane and stable and follow 'the golden rule' it is fairly safe to do.

    peace, robert
    Thanks for your reassuring comments, Robert. I suppose I am more concerned than normal at the moment because I am just about to start a new job but have booked a month off beforehand in which i plan to dedicate some real time to RK. Was just worried how it may impact my new job

  7. #7

    Re: What could it mean for your way of living?

    If in doubt, just take it easy and go slow.

    There is no rush for you to do this. You can take many years. Spiritual development is, after all, a lifetime's work.

    peace, robert

  8. #8

    Re: What could it mean for your way of living?

    My early readings of kundalini via Internet Newsgroups reflect what reid is saying.

    My own feeling is that I'm ready for this. And I detect that feeling from the core of me, not my ego.

    It also occurred to me that Kundalini Rising practice may be useful to increase everyday awareness of the moment. i.e. spend a lot more of the day in the moment that just periodic checks.
    I am now wondering how this will impact dreamtime if I spend a lot more of the day "awake".

  9. #9

    Re: What could it mean for your way of living?

    Awakening kundalini, or raising it, will begin the process of increasing your level of consciousness.

    An integral part of this involves dealing with internal issues.

    The shadow side is empowered through this and baggage and issues are thrown up to be dealt with.

    This messes many people up.

    But this, spiritual maturation, is the only game worth playing.


  10. #10
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    Re: What could it mean for your way of living?

    reid.vfx- if you already purchased the program I recommend you go to the interview and watch the first one, with (OMG I forgot his name-) Cameron! That's it. He describes how kriyas felt for him, and you can see it's a manageable issue and not as dramatic as reported.
    In fact, I saw a video about a woman that was having 'kriya' problems, was very popular in youtube, and later was debunked- she was exaggerating the 'problem' and it stopped when they stopped filming. So don't let the horror stories freak you out, I believe most of them are exaggerations- people simply like their attention, if you know what I mean.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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