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Thread: Astral Tales [Help me write a Book/eBook]

  1. #1

    Post Astral Tales [Help me write a Book/eBook]

    Hey guys,

    lately I had a lot of clients which I helped to publish an eBook. Some from scratch some from already existing books and many in between.
    Because of all these experience I became more interested to write a Book. I'm playing with this idea already for some years but never knew with what idea I should start to write a book. Since I would like to write books about spiritual development but I'm not yet far enough to do that, I guess.

    Some time ago I had the idea that most books write about OBE-Techniques but there is no book which have a lot of experience out of body. Such a book would be very helpful for people who want to learn to leave their body but only want to get motivated and not to get more and more techniques while they already following a technique or a course such as MAP and Co.

    To write a book about OBE by people who did it and still do it. I would collect stories from various people then edit it to match the eBook and then publish it.
    The book would be called Astral Tales Vol. 1

    The book would have the Chapters. RTC-Travel, Astral-Plane-Travel, Beyond and more as I get the content.

    But for this I need your help. Would someone of you be interested to send me a few of your experiences? I would need some beginner-experience some advanced and some very high ones.

    Depending on how many I would get I would make different Volumes instead of Chapters but lets see how it will go.

    Also I would need help in proofreading, promoting and to make or draw a cover-design.

    Tell me what you think about it.

    Wish you all the best,

  2. #2
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    Re: Astral Tales [Help me write a Book/eBook]

    You would need a more dramatic title. Maybe something like "The Everyday Dimension Travelers : Vol. 1 Morals are a Lie and the Reality of Love"

    this is all my advice. You are welcome.

    No seriously this is all I got...I'm probably one of the members of these forums with the least knowledge of OBES and astral travel.
    But I'm interested in how your project moves on so I wish you the best!
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  3. #3
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    Re: Astral Tales [Help me write a Book/eBook]

    My Liminal journal has lots of experiences, you can pick and choose the more exciting ones- the older ones are more interesting.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #4

    Re: Astral Tales [Help me write a Book/eBook]

    My journal rocks too. But I'm short of cash now and want royalties paid out.
    This collector of useless clutter.

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    Re: Astral Tales [Help me write a Book/eBook]

    I don't know if I should be scared because before going to bed I thought: it would be a great idea if people here in this forum would make a book together, sharing their experiences. I think it would be a really interesting book since because most of the people here have amazzzzzing stories. If this could happen- it would be awesome. I really thought about it alot and put emotion into it and then I read your thread about 24 hours later.

    So I think it's a great idea you're welcome to search my journal/ ask questions etc.
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  6. #6
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    Re: Astral Tales [Help me write a Book/eBook]

    I wondered where in the library such a book would be categorized. An argument for the 'Psychology' section could possibly be made, but it would lack the necessary credentials for scientific attribute; so it would land in the 'Fiction' isle.

    I don't think mining our journals is the best approach. If any of us would like to contribute I suggest we start anew: As if we were talking to a new friend who had no knowledge at all about this realm of experience.

    In other words, at least for myself, an essay that is an assay of our years probing the ineffable world of 'not here'; the world beyond our five senses.

    I would be so interested in the words of CFT, Butterfly, Karen 659 and so many more. What exactly does OBE mean in our perception of the world we physically live in, and what does it mean to be a citizen of a ‘world beyond’ the physical?

    Let us speak openly and with anecdotes about the culmination (to what ever degree we have attained) of our efforts. We should answer to our friendly interlocutor the question: Why does it matter?
    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  7. #7

    Re: Astral Tales [Help me write a Book/eBook]

    @Moo: I will think about the title but your suggestion is to aggressive for me. I want to make something people how study can take serious and people who are interested in the topic can look into for the possibilities it offers.

    @CT: Thanks for offering your journal I will let you know after I read through it. If you have a favorite story please let me know.

    @Sinera: I don't know if I can pay royalties to anybody cause if for example there are 20 people who give me stories and I make a book with 200 pages I can sell it around 3 $ at amazon for the beginning. I will only get 70% of it which is 2$ minus delivery-cost (yes you pay delivery cost, also for eBooks 0,15 $/mb) so at the end per book I will get 1$. So if I pay everyone royalties it will be 1$/20 = 0.05$ per book and nothing yet for me....

    @Dontco: WOW! So thanks for helping me creating this idea And thanks for open up for me I will let you know when I find something.

    @eyeonblack: that depends on the person I guess. I would put it in the spiritual section. Of course I cant put the journals in its raw form in the Book. I will have to rewrite them and make them a little more understandable for the people. But that's my work.

    PS everyone who wants to write a story or experience can post it also here.
    At the moment I'm still gathering all the content so it will take some time until I will choose which experience will go where

    All the best and thanks for your support,

  8. #8
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    Re: Astral Tales [Help me write a Book/eBook]

    Hi David,

    You have my permission to copy from my "Dream Diary" if you find it interesting or other writings here on the site. I do not have many consious out of body expereinces, even that I know often that I am dreaming, and it is kind of out of body too. But I do have some real out of body experiences, if you find it interesting you can ask by PM since I do not think it is that interesting to write here on the site about.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
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  9. #9

    Re: Astral Tales [Help me write a Book/eBook]

    You have my permission to use anything of mine you find. I think most of the OBE s are titled OBE in the journal although many of them are I believe areas set up for specific teaching and not so much astral as we would all encounter. ( simulations)
    My favourite one that had the most impact on me was,
    Page 34, 15/10/14. This one left me feeling very humble and the need to be grateful for what I already have. To stop wanting what I don't need. Acceptance.
    Although these journeys left me excited and very happy, and very thoughtful, if your looking for excitement for the readers then I don't think mine is the one but you have my permission anyway.

  10. #10
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    Re: Astral Tales [Help me write a Book/eBook]

    When I do translations I charge around 5 to 8c per word. I wouldn't charge you royalties for quoting me, as long as you give the source material for the quote.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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