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Thread: We are all insane

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    ...I'm sorry but I don't wish to have any stalkers.

    We are all insane

    Hope the title helped get your attention, thats the only reason I name the title that way haha.

    I have had dreams where everything looks normal and I'm doing (in my dream) everything and anything I would do in "real" life....until I go outside and realize that my pants are missing or that my dad has found my secret collection of "stuff" ...then I would panic (or despair to be more accurate) and then I would think...WAIT THIS MUST BE A DREAM! Something like this would NEVER happen in "real" life!
    And guess what? It just turns out that it is a dream!

    Then I would will myself out of my dream and wake up (feeling VERY relieved)

    This whole process was suspiciously similar to how videogame checkpoints work (yes more video game theme examples yay) in video games if you die you are simply returned to your las checkpoint or in other words the last place where your in game progress was saved. You can also choose to return to the last checkpoint whenever you maybe you bought the wrong thing or killed your favorite character in the game by "accidentally" throwing him to a pack of wolves because you wanted to know who would win (this is not relevant to me in any way, and sorry, I can't tell you who won...because then you would realize that this is relevant to me) .

    It makes you many times have we "died" and reseted our life, or done such horrible things (by our own standards, we all have different levels of horrible ) that we had to return to the last "checkpoint" in our lives...and why are we so desperate to follow our "correct" path in our lives?

    Let's ignore the boring "what is life" questions...let's focus on the important part...the way you know something is a dream is because you notice impossible things that happen in your dream, but in these special dreams the "impossible thing" is something that is actually very's just "impossible" to you.

    Or an even more interesting idea....everything that you have lived in your life, good and bad. Everything is your fault, everything has happened exactly how you wanted it...and you have been repeating the same day until you got in perfectly.'s that for an insane idea.

    PS. I was originally going to post this as a reply to another thread...until I realized that, that thread was like 8 years old, so I thought I might as we'll post it as a new thread instead.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: We are all insane

    Hi Moo

    Yes, the first step is to acckowledge the insanity, to start to work to santiy.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  3. #3

    Re: We are all insane

    How often? Maybe every second.. since we live i a muli dimensional and maybe we switfh between realities uncontrolled. But it is like that that we dont know are we dreaming or not until we wake up.....

  4. #4
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    Re: We are all insane

    Oh, I know I'm insane, but most of the time I'm fine with it.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5

    Re: We are all insane

    I'm insane, too. But as Krisnhamurti put it: It is not really a sign of sanity to be sane in / well-adjusted to a sick world. So here we go.

    Regarding the re-set thing: Yeah, this is what makes dream reality cooler than this reality. There are some built-in securities it seems. You can mess up things and still wake up and feel okay, it was just a simulation.
    This collector of useless clutter.

  6. #6
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    Re: We are all insane

    These are some interesting ideas you've got there First thing I thought was: you realized you were dreaming. I remembered a long time ago you said you don't want to have OBEs or something like that. If you changed your mind- lucid dreams are a great way to start.
    Second thing: I thought about my loved piece of literature: Alice in Wonderland (when you said this would never happen in real life). And I had to write at least one quote, because I'm such a quotes person.
    “Why it's simply impassible!
    Alice: Why, don't you mean impossible?
    Door: No, I do mean impassible. (chuckles) Nothing's impossible!”
    My twitter inspirational quotes account
    "By your own effort waken yourself, watch yourself. And live joyfully. You are the master." —Buddha
    I am another you. You are another me.

  7. #7
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    ...I'm sorry but I don't wish to have any stalkers.

    Re: We are all insane

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinera View Post

    Regarding the re-set thing: Yeah, this is what makes dream reality cooler than this reality. There are some built-in securities it seems. You can mess up things and still wake up and feel okay, it was just a simulation.
    True... But I was not trying to separate the two, I meant to say that "dreams" and "reality" are a lot more similar that it might seem. Those same security measures might also be in "reality" it just so happens that a memory wipe is also included....we just haven't "woken" up yet...and we probably never will....because when we do, we won't be here anymore. Probably.
    What is a "Signature"? Oooh I see now...

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    ...I'm sorry but I don't wish to have any stalkers.

    Re: We are all insane

    Quote Originally Posted by dontco View Post
    These are some interesting ideas you've got there First thing I thought was: you realized you were dreaming. I remembered a long time ago you said you don't want to have OBEs or something like that. If you changed your mind- lucid dreams are a great way to start.
    Second thing: I thought about my loved piece of literature: Alice in Wonderland (when you said this would never happen in real life). And I had to write at least one quote, because I'm such a quotes person.
    “Why it's simply impassible!
    Alice: Why, don't you mean impossible?
    Door: No, I do mean impassible. (chuckles) Nothing's impossible!”
    its not not like I straight up don't want's just I have no real interest in it....the adventure, peace and answers that people find in OBES I have already found in other things.

    I never read Alice in Wonderland but I saw the movie (the cartoon animated one) I also saw the newer one with Johnny depp but I can't remember much of that one.

    I wish I had more things to say about your Loved piece of Literature but I can't remember much of them and I saw them when I was really young so for me it was just a very amazing world where anything was possible...or should I say passible WUT WUT!
    What is a "Signature"? Oooh I see now...


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