Hi everyone ! (again)

It is the second time I post a request here ; to sum up my situation : I ve been having very harsh bladder pain since 2002. Feeling incapacitated and exhausted most of the time, and depressed. Finally understood it came from a childhood trauma I had when 1 years old.

I know that it is part of the spiritual experience to remove it myself and to heal on my own, so I ve been doing that for quite a while and after years of struggle, finally found something that works : I have been listening to subliminal videos and I cried (quite a lot). Now I guess that most of the energetical and emotional signature of the trauma is gone. Yet I have had no improvement, even emotionally speaking. Still feeling like sh*t and wanting to suicide.

If some of you could just tell me real quick if I still have blocages somewhere (and if so, where) it would hugely help me !!

Thanks heaps. Really.

Love & Light to all of you