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Thread: Thoughts about Energy

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Thoughts about Energy

    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteMonkey View Post
    Very interesting ☺ i can understand what u mean.
    The vacum wouod be ether in he kabbala i guess since he has the same aspects that ifnunenter it unprepared unwill wanish
    I can not argue against you, I started to study kabbala but stopped as it felt not the right road for me.

    The feeling I get very strongly is that the vacum I talk about is not your ether....but I will keep this in mind the feeling I get from communicating with you. Thank you.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  2. Re: Thoughts about Energy

    Thank you for the insights. That's interesting to hear how you were aware of some things at an early age. I've done some stuff to the likes as in disobey by mother and it turns out that me following my intuition instead of listening saved me and my bike in the long run but it wasn't until recently that I actually took notice of that moment.

    I too have communication issues with "others" I guess my issues are more or less with people who I know don't have the same mind set as me. I'm learning everyday how to communicate my ideas better to people of like minds though and that's what I'm satisfied with. I do a lot of thinking when I write any little piece of information to make sure I have reread it numerous times so I can sort out what might spark another's emotions and reword it so it is less likely to do so.

    Glad to hear from you IA, I say this every time I chat with someone but I'm happy to have made a connection with you

  3. #13

    Re: Thoughts about Energy

    I woukd be honored.

    Did we already talk about ether in another post? I think we did right? Its really interesting how u see the world. I like it

    All the best

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Thoughts about Energy

    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteMonkey View Post
    I woukd be honored.

    Did we already talk about ether in another post? I think we did right? Its really interesting how u see the world. I like it

    All the best
    No I do not think we did talk about ether enough, you only compared my vacum to be ether as kabbala definition, so please tell me more, I´d like to feel more about your ether.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Thoughts about Energy

    Quote Originally Posted by ctcarr View Post
    Thank you for the insights. That's interesting to hear how you were aware of some things at an early age. I've done some stuff to the likes as in disobey by mother and it turns out that me following my intuition instead of listening saved me and my bike in the long run but it wasn't until recently that I actually took notice of that moment.

    I too have communication issues with "others" I guess my issues are more or less with people who I know don't have the same mind set as me. I'm learning everyday how to communicate my ideas better to people of like minds though and that's what I'm satisfied with. I do a lot of thinking when I write any little piece of information to make sure I have reread it numerous times so I can sort out what might spark another's emotions and reword it so it is less likely to do so.

    Glad to hear from you IA, I say this every time I chat with someone but I'm happy to have made a connection with you
    Thank you.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  6. #16

    Re: Thoughts about Energy

    Sorry I always leave away the K I dont know why.

    Here are the first three manifestations which one matches best with your vacuum?

    1. Kether
    Kether is the first manifested Sephirah, the first condensation of the light of Ain-Soph. Kether means 'the Crown'. It sits like a crown on the top of the Tree of Life, but at the same time is the Crown on top of our head. It is said that Kether encircles and covers the brain of the primordial Man, Adam Kadmon. One might compare it with the Crown Chakra of the yoga system. It is called the Crown because Kether belongs half to the human system (and the Tree of Life) and half to the Divine (or Ain-Soph), like a crown sits on top of the head, but is not quite part of the head itself. Kether connects the Divine and the human. Or, man lives in the universe but does not belong to the universe, but to the divine. Kether is man's connection to the divine. That is why Kether is partly hidden, because of its connection to the Nothingness, and partly manifest because of its connection to the manifested universe. Kether is the source of light rising up from the darkness. It is a monad of pure energy in which all opposites are unified. In Kether is the blueprint of the entire universe. Kether is also called Mashabah, which is consciousness, as Kether is pure consciousness. In Kether resides the divine essence of a person, indestructible. Kether is also called the Crown because of its ability to receive and integrate the divine energy. For me, Kether means the very essence of my being, that divine monad that always has been and always will be. It is immortal, as it is part of the Divine, separated only in my present awareness. Being in Kether I truly can say, "I am the Divine". Kether also represents my birth in this world and all the qualities I have been born with.
    2. Chochmah
    Chochmah is the second Sephiroth. Chochmah means 'wisdom'. It is the Word, the Logos. It is the Son in relation to Kether as its Father. Remember Chochmah is on top of the right, positive, male pillar, and thus Chochmah is considered to embody the primal male energies. It is the active, male principle, the vital, energizing element of existence. In Chochmah is the will to create.Chochmah is associated in the soul with the power of intuitive insight, flashing lightning-like across consciousness. In man Chochmah corresponds to the right brain hemisphere. It rules imagination and conceptual faculties. Chochmah also relates to the sense of sight. Chochmach is the power of selflessness that allows us to 'taste' divinity. For me, Chochmah is the driving fore in this life, the energy that keeps me alive and allows me to do the things I want to do. It is my will to live and to fulfill my purpose in life. It also represents the primal male energies in me that were established in my early years by the contact with my father.
    3. Binah
    Binah (=Understanding) is the third Sephirah and sits on top of the left, negative, female pillar. It embodies the primal female energies. Binah and Chochmah form a harmonious relationship. She is the female that harbors the seed and brings forth the fruit. She is the Mother, the Great Sea, the primal substance filling the entire universe and the fundament of the universe. Binah is stability, it organizes, regulates and gives form to the energies of Chochmah. Binah calms the stimulating energies of Chochmah. While Chochmah is the seed, Binah nurtures the seed. Binah comprises the entire intellectual power of human consciousness. In the human thoughts, the intuitive formations of Chochmah come to fruition in Binah and become understandable and classifiable. Binah is associated in the soul with the power of conceptual analysis and reasoning, both inductive and deductive. The "understanding" of Binah also implies the ability to examine the degree of truth or falsehood inherent in a particular idea. For me, Binah is what shapes my life, giving form to the different processes I have to go through: education, relationships, environment, everything that has shaped and is still shaping my character. Binah also contains the primal female energies that were established in my early years by the contact with my mother.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Thoughts about Energy

    No vacum is beyond Kether, Kether is the divider-line experience.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  8. #18

    Re: Thoughts about Energy

    Hiya ctcarr.

    For an interesting scientific/philosophical viewpoint, you might consider reading a trilogy by physicist and consciousness researcher Thomas Campbell, called "My Big TOE" (TOE = Theory Of Everything). Campbell was one of the founders of the Monroe Institute (started by Bob Monroe, a pioneer in the investigation of human consciousness).

    I read the first book a little while back, and just recently bought the second. I found some of the science-heavy chapters a little taxing at times, but it was a very interesting read overall. One of the few books I have read that really managed to combine science/reasoning/direct experience with spiritual/metaphysical matters.

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