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Thread: Seeking greater understanding of the Big Picture

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Seeking greater understanding of the Big Picture

    Hello folks. I'm hoping to get some insights from forum members about how the greater reality 'works'. I've been steadily reading about this kind of material for a long time now. Although I've had a handful of 'mystical' experiences, most of my efforts at development have been intellectual (reading), and fostering greater awareness.

    One of my paths of learning followed this line of bread crumbs: I became aware of the phenomenon of near death experiences (through reading books). From this point I researched in many directions. My intellectual knowledge grew, and I was able to piece together a rough outline of how things work.

    However, I occasionally come across concepts which don't fit into my growing conceptual understanding. I then turn my attention to the anomaly, to understand it better and how it might fit into the jigsaw.

    Not surprisingly, given the complexity of the subject, and my purely intellectual learning framework, I always have a considerable pile of these jigsaw puzzle pieces heh heh! I'd like to use this thread to gain some insights and opinions from others who are more widely read than I, or have some direct experiential knowledge to share.

    Bear with me in regards to the length of my posts (hard to cover the material in a few sentences), and my choice of words (I use terms like 'God', 'mystical' and 'time' loosely, for the sake of keeping the posts as short as possible).
    Last edited by Energize; 17th May 2015 at 04:13 AM.

  2. #2

    Re: Seeking greater understanding of the Big Picture

    Initially I read deeply into the subject of near death experiences (NDE's). In my younger years (I'm in my late 40's now), this seemed the first tangible evidence that I could accept of the continuation of consciousness and a greater unseen reality.

    They seemed to be exclusively positive experiences, and I began to think that was a given. Quite a number of years ago, I stumbled across accounts of negative experiences, and I at first dismissed them as erroneous. However, I came across more, and started to take notice. As they didn't fit into the picture of understanding I was building up, I turned my focus to them, which opened a whole new avenue of research...which has in turn broadened my knowledge.

    Since then, I have come to think that to a large degree, negative NDE's are caused my a person's state of mind in a broad sense (their framework of beliefs in many cases), being responded to by a reactive spiritual dimension, in which they kind of create for themselves, or are drawn to a certain vibration or 'realms'. It is a temporary condition, and they will eventually (in a short or longer 'time') emerge to their true awareness and condition.

    One case in particular has stuck in my memory as somewhat of an anomoly among anomolies. The lady died during childbirth, and had a negative 'near-death' experience. It disturbed her, and sparked a lifelong quest for better understanding (which I suppose is a positive result). She became a leader of the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), and wrote a book that I read, called Dancing Past the Dark: Distressing Near-Death Experiences.

    The reason her experience stood out to me was that it was unlike the pattern of 'usual' cases. It consisted of her being suspended in a seemingly limitless void of nothingness. She felt emotions of cosmic abandonment and annihilation (poor thing).

    From my continued reading on this, I have found several possible reasons why she might have found herself in this void. One possible reason is that she 'created' it through her own beliefs or state of mind.

    Another I got from Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls, by Dr Michael Newton, a Psychologist and Hypnotherapist, in which he has put thousands of patients into deep hypnosis, and apparently brings forth memories of the state 'between' incarnations. He too has built up a picture of the bigger reality by piecing together accounts.

    In a very matter of fact way, souls talk about multiple dimensions or realms, each with it's own flavour of reality. Some souls learn the speciality of exploring and navigating these various dimensions, and act as guides for groups, for the purposes of learning and recreation.

    Like navigating using a street map, they speak of passing 'through' dimensions to get to another - Jane Robert's Seth books (apparently a 'channeled spirit') also talk about this. They speak about some dimensions being 'empty' voids, and I get the impression that they are like warehouses or husks that are being prepared for creation of entirely new realities or realms (fascinating!). Could she have lost her way home somehow, and found herself in one of these dimensions?

    The final concept that occurs to me, is one that I have gotten from a new book I'm reading called Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch. The concept of God trying to experience itself more fully is not a new one to me - I've come across it several places. But this book in its straight forward style of writing (apparently written by 'automatic writing') has made me think of the motivating force behind creation itself.

    It is almost as if 'God', a consciousness that somehow existed by who-knows-what cause, was floating in a sea of nothingness, with only itself to keep it company. The prime motivation for creation would seem to be to translate a 'concept' into 'experience' (something I could clearly benefit from too, heh heh). For that, God did two things - splitting itself into many consciousnesses ("this, and that"), and creating the polarities of love and not-love (in the form of fear).

    I kind of think of it as...God got lonely, heh heh. Could the lady who experienced the void have had a glimpse into the primal state of being for God 'before' creation? Just floating in a void of nothingness, with only yourself to keep you company?

    Thanks for reading, and for any thoughts people may wish to add.
    Last edited by Energize; 17th May 2015 at 04:42 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Seeking greater understanding of the Big Picture

    Hi you,

    I am happy for your starting this thread, I have several very odd experiences happened during awake state….This one did happen in 1983, I had a relationship with an man from India, as you can see the big beatening of me and my son was only 2 years back, I had to show my son that there are kind men too, this man was so kind. He never told me anything about his customs and habits or cultural differences to me…He had not bean at his home in India for more than 10 years since he left his home. I understand he was anxious and wondering if they will recognize him, and then he had me with him too. When we came to the airport he started to say…and nearly cry…we do not find the way…they will not come and meet us…I did find this very odd, why did he say this way…so I as I am always positve I asked him, how do they look like and how many are they….I was lookiing into the voide and I did see 3 men it was like from the Aladin story…they had turbans and looked like from a fairy tail…I told him…is it them….I thought he did see them too, but it took a while before they apeared for him to too to see them….This did stay with me, it was like they did come accross the clouds…..To make this story short…they did take me to a trip to see more of India…and in one town they wanted to go to movies, but I did not want, to see an India film is no high score of me…so I told them…you go to movies, I stay on this marketplace…they went to the movies…and in some sekunds the whole marketplace did go emty…total empty?? I did not understand what happened…but there I was on this big marketplace all alone….do this happen when you are able to empty your mind, and do not have any active thoughts….you just do not know what to think, you just exist…like I did this time….it felt like an eternity before they did come back, and again like through clouds..and in some sekunds the whole marketplace was full of people again??...I do not know what to believe…and I have never told anyone about this, because they will say….you are making this up…but this is the very truth…so what happened?? I do not know still after all these years…Of course the thought has occured to me that I was on some other dimension…like on an parallell world….It is still bothering my mind, I want to know.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  4. #4

    Re: Seeking greater understanding of the Big Picture

    Hi Ia, thanks for your post and sharing this story. It certainly sounds like some sort of altered state of consciousness...very interesting! Certainly India is a place with a long and rich history of exploring consciousness and states of mind!

  5. #5

    Re: Seeking greater understanding of the Big Picture

    Okay, here's another one. Recently I read several of Jane Robert's Seth books, and also re-read Dr Newton's Destiny of Souls. They have many similarities, but also some important differences.

    The similarities are too numerous to mention, but one that stands out for me is the concept of 'soul groups'. The concept as I understand it, is that each person has/is an 'oversoul' that incarnates into physical life using a portion of its consciousness.

    This 'portion' is what we experience here, as individuals or personalities. This individual's identity is never lost or re-absorbed or destroyed, and can develop itself as an individual. It is at the same time always a part of the oversoul entity.

    Presumeably, once a personality has developed itself sufficiently, it too can become an oversoul with the ability to create personalities. I also presume that an oversoul is itself part of an even greater entity, with many 'levels'. This could ultimately be what the original creation event was all about - God splitting off portions of itself, who in turn split off portions, and so on.

    I realise this may all be over-simplified or even not correct, but this is what I have gleaned from these books and others. Assuming I'm on the right track, here are the concepts that don't make sense to me...

    On the one hand, you have Seth (Jane's 'channeled spirit' - although Seth apparently doesn't like that label, heh heh) saying that all time happens at once. And yet, in Newton's accounts, there is definately a progression of an individual's experience and understanding. So, although 'time' as we know it might not have relevance out of the incarnated state, there would seem to be some kind of cause/effect or sequence of events at play to make any kind of progression meaningful.

    And with one individual repeatedly incarnating, you would think think that there is a common thread of identity through multiple lives. Does this mean that each 'shard' of an oversoul's consciousness has within it the sense of individuality gained from each successive incarnation? Or does each incarnation create a new free-willed consciousness of its own, that can go off and do it's own thing? Or both? Wow, hard to fathom.

    If you throw into the mix Seth's concept of mutiple (infinite!) 'probable' lives of a single individual, each with it's own consciousness and individuality, things really start looking like a soccer riot, heh heh! How could this be so? Infinite versions of your own personality, all living their own lives, with their own point of consciousness? If they all have valid individuality, then could you expect to meet infinite versions of yourself once leaving incarnation? Surely not. I must be missing something.

    I've just got Jane Robert's book The Unknown Reality Vol.1, which is supposed to explore this concept (probable selves) in more detail, so hopefully that will shed some light on the subject. Again, I'd appreciate any viewpoints that could provide insights on these subjects.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Seeking greater understanding of the Big Picture

    I will try to give my picture of the evolution of the soul,I do not know what to call it, so I hope you do take it what it is worth,surely nothing J

    As I have bean told about right and wrong, negative and positive, and all this learned has shown to be total wrong on the ”higher”realms, if I can call it this way??!! I do not have better word´s to describe.

    In a society you do need rules, as there are energy law´s too, and If I use this picture to try to describe…You need to wasch your hand´s before you eat….or you do not sit down on a coutch with dirty trousers….as you do not have accecc to ”higher” realms before you have clined your energy up.

    When I was on the divider-line and was met up by YHWH, andby his energy I got to get the echo of the eternity or the big ocean….what is our real home….Before we can come home, we need to have total willingness to be one drop in this ocean…We have our free will, if we want to be breathened back to existence so to speak, we can…..As I felt so clearly that there must be total willingness, becasue we have free will…but before we know what free wil lis, and can use it in right way, it is a hard road of try and error…and it take´s also much effort to …wake up….to get out all kind of fear, and illusions and what not…..

    So by this knowing I am at peace in my soul, but my personality is many time´s upset how for example our society work´s or lack of it….So even I know this and it is true to me, I am not protected against sorrows or feelings of sadness when I see horrible happenings, how we trea tour brothers and sisters…or our animals….This make´s me only want to not to open my TV or be much online…I need much stillness and happy feelings to cope with life.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    At the bottom of the garden
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    Re: Seeking greater understanding of the Big Picture

    Well, I don't know how it works. I only know what I can surmise from what I've experienced and observed.

    In a nutshell: It's all a big, complicated, interwoven dream that Consciousness is having. I'm not even sure that Consciousness has a "plan", other than "to experience everything possible, in every possible combination, flavour, style, shape, and design". It seems that we are the "filters" for the whole of reality, and what we create (yes, I believe we create our reality) comes about because of our individual, unique design. I also suspect that there are infinite "other" realities where subtle and not so subtle variations take place (yes, the "many worlds theory" of quantum physics), so that Consciousness can see, do, and be EVERYTHING. Because it already is that. Creation is self-creation, and the Creator IS the Creation.

    That's my take on it. At least, it is as of this point in the space-time continuum. These things are never set in stone from what I've seen. I may have some new revelation or epiphany tomorrow and the whole thing will change. Always have to be prepared for that. I don't think reality is as constant and stable as most people seem to think it is.
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  8. #8

    Re: Seeking greater understanding of the Big Picture

    Thanks Ia and BFW for your replies.

    I realise that this whole subject matter - considering the big expanse of reality - is nebulous from our current perspective (especially mine haha!). But I am fascinated by the threads of information I gain from the sources that are available to me. From these threads I am seeing a pattern emerging, and the pattern seems to indicate some order and structure. There also seem to be some universal laws that apply to various dimensions. They are like tools used for creation and experience.

    I read the first volume of a trilogy by physicist and consciousness researcher Thomas Campbell, called "My Big TOE" (TOE = Theory Of Everything), and recently bought the second one in the series. Campbell is apparently no stranger to out of body experiences, and was one of the founding members of the Monroe Institute. It can be quite heavy reading in some chapeters, as you'd expect from a mystical physicist, heh heh. In it, he postulates that the 'Source', while unimaginably vast, may not actually be 'infinite'. Infinite in potential, but in actual creation, energy is used more wisely. I'm rather clumsily over-simplifying it, but the way he presented it made sense to me, and made me think.

    Similarly, people talk about 'no-time' or all-time' or 'simultaneous time' in regards to the state of being outside incarnation, and it is implied that time has zero relevance in the greater reality. This never sat well with me, because (as stated in one of my earlier posts), there would be little sense of cause/effect or progression - in a personality's spiritual development, or in any kind of creation. Where's the fun in experiencing and exploring and creating if it's already done! Surely creation in the broader sense is a constantly evolving, expanding action. 'Time', or at least a sequence of events should have some kind of relevance, surely?

    Interestingly, this morning I started reading Jane Robert's Unknown Reality (while eating my breakfast cereal, heh heh! Very solemn), and saw this regarding time: ...Yet Seth's simultaneous time isn't an absolute, for, as he also told us in that session: "While I am not affected by time on your plane, I am affected by something resembling time on my me time can be manipulated, used at leisure and examined."

    Likewise with creating our own reality. While I can see the 'logic' in attracting certain events to ourselves by our emotions and state of mind (whether on a purely mundane day-to-day level, or some kind of profound invisible level), I couldn't understand the concept of actually being responsible for the direct creation of reality.

    Seth mentions our creation of reality often. However, I read this bit below, at the end of The Seth Material book, that explains that idea, with an important distinction. The creator he's referring to is the 'Inner Self', the greater ball of awareness from which he says we sprang and are a part of.

    "It is this inner self, out of massive knowledge and the unlimited scope of its consciousness, that forms the physical world and provides stimuli to keep the outer ego constantly at the job of awareness."

    Interesting too, that this creation of matter and material and even life forms is mentioned in several places within Michael Newton's books.

    What fun! The whole thing fills me with the joy of exploration, wonder, and things to do and learn! The more I read about the Big Picture, the more exciting it gets.
    Last edited by Energize; 19th May 2015 at 03:02 PM.

  9. #9

    Re: Seeking greater understanding of the Big Picture

    I can't resist writing another post here. I feel like a dusty old scribe, scribbling away in the archives basement, muttering to himself heh heh! Nice of Ia and BFW to pop by and keep a dusty old scribe company. "Now where did I put that quill?"

    I'm not very far into Unknown Realities, but already there are indications that the 'energy personality' named Seth is going to talk about the 'probable selves'.

    By the way, just have to say, that I take whatever I read on board only lightly. I'm willing (driven) to learn, but I keep my 'skeptic' tools close by. Not having any immediate access to direct insights (so it would seem?), I can only pursue this subject 2nd and 3rd hand.

    I don't doubt that many people more 'down to earth' than I would be asking me (and I ask myself this question too!) "why in the world are you spending time reading fanciful stuff supposedly written by automatic writing, 'channeled' spirits and hypnosis subjects?"

    The way I look at it, I want to know more (and what I have 'learned' so far HAS helped me in many important ways!). In order to do that, I've got to be prepared to look far and wide, and be willing to simultaneously keep an open mind, AND filter what I'm reading as "could be true, might not" or even "could be true, but only partially" and "could be based on truth, but heavily distorted".

    I sometimes wonder why, with my interest in these subjects, I haven't had some kind of great epiphany or had my intuition or psychic senses develop. It used to bug me a bit, but not so much now. I've become more the point where I don't really mind one way or the other. It also has occurred to me that perhaps the "greater I" chose to learn this least for a time. I'll just stay alert to any inner developments, continue with my studies and trying to live life as 'gracefully' as possible. What more can I 'do'?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Seeking greater understanding of the Big Picture

    Quote Originally Posted by Energize View Post
    I can't resist writing another post here. I feel like a dusty old scribe, scribbling away in the archives basement, muttering to himself heh heh! Nice of Ia and BFW to pop by and keep a dusty old scribe company. "Now where did I put that quill?"

    I'm not very far into Unknown Realities, but already there are indications that the 'energy personality' named Seth is going to talk about the 'probable selves'.

    By the way, just have to say, that I take whatever I read on board only lightly. I'm willing (driven) to learn, but I keep my 'skeptic' tools close by. Not having any immediate access to direct insights (so it would seem?), I can only pursue this subject 2nd and 3rd hand.

    I don't doubt that many people more 'down to earth' than I would be asking me (and I ask myself this question too!) "why in the world are you spending time reading fanciful stuff supposedly written by automatic writing, 'channeled' spirits and hypnosis subjects?"

    The way I look at it, I want to know more (and what I have 'learned' so far HAS helped me in many important ways!). In order to do that, I've got to be prepared to look far and wide, and be willing to simultaneously keep an open mind, AND filter what I'm reading as "could be true, might not" or even "could be true, but only partially" and "could be based on truth, but heavily distorted".

    I sometimes wonder why, with my interest in these subjects, I haven't had some kind of great epiphany or had my intuition or psychic senses develop. It used to bug me a bit, but not so much now. I've become more the point where I don't really mind one way or the other. It also has occurred to me that perhaps the "greater I" chose to learn this least for a time. I'll just stay alert to any inner developments, continue with my studies and trying to live life as 'gracefully' as possible. What more can I 'do'?
    Hi you

    I can tell you how it has bean in my life. My strong energysurges started as an infant, as you remember me telling you about the ”vacum”state or feeling…My mother did not want to hold me in her arms and I can tellwhy, because the strong energy did feel like sexual energy, when I have askedher why she did not hold me as little child, she told me that I did not want tobe touched, but I know how the truth is since I have bean able to SEE how itwas, but she can´t handle the truth, but it is enough for me to know.

    So when I became older but still under 7 year old, my motherdid ”hit” me so hard when my energies rose that I did shut me down, but thisenergy is so strong that it will not be kept shut down by my will there is agreater WILL behind our energy.

    But this strong energy does also if not kept in line, try toboost my ego in wrong way, so it is better to not concentrate on it, but beopen for it and bless it when it comes, and not to get hybris or think I am specialif you understand how I mean??

    To be down to earth is very important, and be open andbalanced.

    So your approach feel´s healthy and good. Keep up the goodwork.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

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