Hi you,

To dare to change yourself, as I can only talk about me and how I did to change me vs how to accept others as they are.
It is not easy for me to express becasue my English language is pore, but what I am trying to express is that to accept other as they are without trying to controll or change them, here is the tricky part, because this is so many layers issue. It is the social part the personal part and the soul part.
If I socialize with a person whom the society has classed as ”bad” they will judge me to be the same, so how can we help these ”bad” people if we judge also them who try to help them??

For me to see deeper it started to me first to stop praying, because it was an escape for me not to have to SEE the reality or the truth…so it was hard and painful to awaken to reality so to speak.

There are so many way´s to escape and the first thing is recognize my ways to escape and the real reason why I do this.

Mostly it is shame and fear, mostly fear.

I leave this issue now, because I feel it is nearly overwhealming me, I am still in beginning of my process in this ”truth” of me.

Thank you for letting me express freely. I will be back one day J
