In "Unknown Realities", Seth talks about "Consciousness Units" as the fundamental unit of any 'matter'. This description of all things everywhere being conscious makes me think of the Animism worldview, which says that all things - animals, plants and inanimate objects possess a spiritual essence.

"The CU's, or units of consciousness, are literally in every place and time at once. They possess the greatest adaptability, and a profound "inborn" propensity for organization of all kinds. They act as individuals, and yet each carries within it a knowledge of all other kinds of activity that is happening in any other given unit or group of units.

Coming together, the units actually form the systems of reality in which they have their experience. In your system, for example, they are within the phenomenal world."

Here Seth discusses the 'pulsing' nature of time and matter:

"They will always come under the guise of any particular reality then. In your terms they can move forward or backward in time, but they also possess another kind of interior mobility within time as you know it.

As there are insides to apples, so think of the ordinary moment as an apple. In usual experience, you hold that apple in your hand, or eat it. Using this analogy, however, the apple itself (as the moment) would contain infinite variations of itself within itself. These CU's therefore can operate even within time, as you understand it, in ways that are most difficult to explain. Time not only goes backward and forward, but inward and outward. I am still using your idea of time here to some degree. Later in this book I hope to lead you beyond it entirely. But in terms in which I am speaking, it is the inward and outward directions of time that give you a universe that seems to be fairly permanent, and yet is also being created.

The 'pulsing' allows for separate systems of reality, but also enables the sharing of energy between them:

This inward and outward thrust allows for several important conditions that are necessary for the establishment of "relatively" separate, stable universe systems. Such a system may seem like a closed one from any viewpoint within itself. Yet this inward and outward thrusting condition effectively sets up the boundaries and uniqueness of each universal system, while allowing for a constant give-and-take of energy among them.

No energy is ever lost. It may seem to disappear from one system, but if so, it will emerge in another. The inward and outward thrust that is not perceived is largely responsible for what you think of as ordinary consecutive time."

Seth also goes on to explain that the exchange of energy between all universes goes on constantly like countless, tiny black and white holes:

"There is the constant surge into your universe of new energy through infinite minute sources. The sources are the CU's themselves. In their own way, and using an analogy, now, in certain respects at least the CU's operate as minute but extremely potent black holes and white holes, as they are presently understood by your physicists."