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Thread: Seeking greater understanding of the Big Picture

  1. #21

    Re: Seeking greater understanding of the Big Picture

    I've been thinking about empathy and compassion.

    In my early years, I became aware of the suffering of people presently and in the past (although if all time happens simultaneously, it could be understood to be happening right now). Unlike Gautama Buddha though, instead of rushing out to find a cure (and living the life of an ascetic heh heh!), I took a wrong turn. I thought "how deep does this hole go? what is the worst that can happen to people?"

    From there I read books which explored all the horrors and pain people have been through, going deeper and deeper into a dark ocean mentally. Not surprisingly, I became despondent, depressed, and cynical. Everything in the world seemed meaningless and took on dark overtones. Everything! Even everyday objects!

    I couldn't reconcile the harsh realities of life and suffering with the seeming banal goings-on people were engaged in. Talking about sports, pursuing trivial junk and mindlessly going to robot-like jobs each day (it seemed to me at the time). What was the point, given the 'seriousness' of life and suffering and death (which I assumed was annihilation)? Maybe I was one the first 'Goths' (gloomy vampire-like subculture) haha!

    Eventually something had to 'give'. It was from a very low dark state that I switched my enquiring mind from gloom and dispair to finding deeper meaning and purpose. Over time I was able to 'reprogram' myself, and switch polarities. It was a rough ride indeed, and a relief to find greater wisdom and joy in life.

    However, there are still some niggling doubts and confusions that linger in regards to 'divine' compasion. I understand conceptually the idea of suffering as an 'experience', that is an illusion of sorts, that doesn't last, and is a tool for greater understanding and awareness. Also that the 'greater self' often apparently chooses suffering before they even start an incarnation. 'Karma' as a tool for understanding and experience rather than a punishment. Bit still, it seems way too extreme in many cases.

    I am reading several books at the same time at the moment. 'Conversations with God' (an apparent 'automatic writing' piece) is one I started with some doubts, because it sounded a bit 'new-agey', but I have found it very engaging. Some relevant quotes below, regarding suffering:

    "Deep personal disappointments are responses which are chosen, and worldwide calamities are the result of worldwide consciousness.
    Your question infers that I choose these events, that it is My will and desire they should occur. Yet I do not will these things into being. I merely observe you doing so. And I do nothing to stop them, because to do so would be to thwart your will. That, in turn, would deprive you of the God experience, which is the experience you and I have chosen together." Does that mean that if everyone could remember the big picture and who we are, suffering in the world could end? Perhaps so.

    "Judge not, then, the karmic path walked by another. Envy not success, nor pity failure, for you know not what is success or failure in the soul's reckoning." I've read that some of the most vital and vigorous entities in the great beyond have had a very chequered past. Apparently this is especially true for the tough hombres who go on 'retrieval missions' into dark astral zones. Gotta admire that.

    The book also speaks about the original condition of God and the souls as 'all-knowing', but needing 'experiencing' before achieving true 'being'. The trinity of 'the father, the son, the holy ghost' actually meaning "That which gives rise to / That which is risen / That which is". ..."This simple being is bliss. It is God-state, after knowing and experiencing Itself. It is that for which God yearned in the beginning." Here seems to be the core reason for incarnating, voluntarily forgetting the big picture (experiencing the big separation!), and submitting ourselves to suffering. One thing to have knowledge of jumping into a pool, another to actually experience it. A bumpy ride sometimes though, to put it mildly!

    It compares letting souls incarnate to letting your kids play in the backyard. "I do not care what you do, and that is hard for you to hear. Yet do you care what your children do when you send them out to play? Is it a matter of consequence to you whether they play tag, or hide and seek, or pretend? No, it is not, because you know they are perfectly safe." and "It is this dichotomy - not caring about the process, but caring deeply about the result - that comes close to describing the dichotomy of God. Yet God, in a sense, does not even care about the outcome. Not the ultimate outcome. This is because the ultimate outcome is assured."

    This is a comforting thought (the ultimate outcome is assured), and I have read similar things before in books such as "A Course in Miracles". Behind all the commotion, there is a joyful secret. It doesn't stop me from really disliking suffering though, for myself or others! They are (you are) my fellow 'peeps' (peoples).
    Last edited by Energize; 26th May 2015 at 03:37 AM.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Seeking greater understanding of the Big Picture

    Hi you,

    To dare to change yourself, as I can only talk about me and how I did to change me vs how to accept others as they are.
    It is not easy for me to express becasue my English language is pore, but what I am trying to express is that to accept other as they are without trying to controll or change them, here is the tricky part, because this is so many layers issue. It is the social part the personal part and the soul part.
    If I socialize with a person whom the society has classed as ”bad” they will judge me to be the same, so how can we help these ”bad” people if we judge also them who try to help them??

    For me to see deeper it started to me first to stop praying, because it was an escape for me not to have to SEE the reality or the truth…so it was hard and painful to awaken to reality so to speak.

    There are so many way´s to escape and the first thing is recognize my ways to escape and the real reason why I do this.

    Mostly it is shame and fear, mostly fear.

    I leave this issue now, because I feel it is nearly overwhealming me, I am still in beginning of my process in this ”truth” of me.

    Thank you for letting me express freely. I will be back one day J

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  3. #23

    Re: Seeking greater understanding of the Big Picture

    Yeah, the issue of condemnation vs. forgiveness is a tough one, living on Earth.

    If all personalities are 'chunks' of fellow souls, then ultimately everyone's greater self is above all this 'earthly stuff'.
    In "A Course in Miracles", the message is basically that all the 'bad stuff' has no enduring reality in the greater reality. Only one passage of that massive book has stayed with me. It went something like "do not worry about forgiveness, for that has already been achieved". Wow. It made me melt! So matter-of-fact. Don't worry son, it's already done. Freedom from debilitating self-condemnation. Even now it makes my hair stand on end (like my avatar pic haha!)

    For most personalities, I think the main result of a life full of mistakes is that we feel deep regret (at least after incarnation...if not during life), because we haven't expressed our true selves, and done damage. This regret makes up quite a large portion of 'past lives' uncovered during deep hypnotherapy. It is also probably largely responsible for many dark astral experiences, and inexplicable neurosis in people (a faint unconscious memory of a 'past' life).

    One of the most telling stories I read about was the story of a Nazi SS officer who tormented people (I think it was in a camp). He found himself in a dark astral state after death because of his state of mind and fixed beliefs. But most importantly, a woman who had died in the same camp was so filled with hate for him, she also found herself in a similar predicament. In the account, both personalities (both the aggressor AND the victim) needed to be retrieved from their 'self imposed' exile, and given healing and recuperation.

    If we do all indeed live thousands of lives, then it stands to reason that many of them would be 'clunkers'. I've read accounts of souls actually choosing to be born in difficult circumstances to experience certain things. That kind of life could go either way. A young kid born into a poverty striken neighbourhood and abusive family could end up as a merciless killer in a gang, or join the airforce or something and become a hero to and inspiration to everyone around him. Stories like this are all around us in daily life.

    There was a time I felt contempt and anger towards people and society when I was younger and in a dark state of mind. With self education (and probably some help from beyond!) I was able to drag myself out of self destruction. Much later, becoming a father also made me feel kinder to my fellow peeps. The raw emotion and vulnerability of a child is not so different from the condition of adults. That helped strengthen my forgiveness towards others.

    Finally, I have come to the conclusion that the only way to heal the world was to heal gain insight, wisdom and awareness. I'm always on the lookout to help others in a practical way when it crosses my path, but I also avoid getting sucked into some personalities that want to bask in people's sympathy, or that have lives totally filled with negative drama. That can be a bottomless pit.

    I will also say that sometimes even a smile and friendly greeting can change someone's day...or life. I have been on the receiving end of such small unexpected communications, and it has often made my day and changed my outlook, and some have even stuck with me for the rest of my life. One that I remember was pulling into a gas station as a young man (late teens I think). Feeling bad about myself, the world, and everything. The owner came out and had a conversation with me. Nothing much, pretty everyday stuff. But I got the strong feeling of total natural acceptance from this gentleman. He also called me "champ". It was a genuine and much needed boost to me, and I doubt he knew what a strengthening effect he had on me that day. I drove away feeling all right with myself and the world again. Never forgotten it.
    Last edited by Energize; 27th May 2015 at 05:03 AM.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Seeking greater understanding of the Big Picture

    Yes, to heal the world is to heal yourself. I do believe too it is this way. Because the energy, the healed energy is the main thing, there is so much of ”sick” energy and need to be healed, and that is done only by the sick person, to be healed so the energy can become healthy.

    Also the saying that it is too late, should be evicted from the vocubalary totally, or it is no use to help this person, he can´t be helped…This is not true. Everyone are valuable to be helped.

    Keep up the good work.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  5. #25

    Re: Seeking greater understanding of the Big Picture

    A further note regarding my quest to discover more about the multiple 'probable' selves living simultaneous lives, mentioned in the Seth books.

    While I haven't got a full mental picture of the concept yet, one of the footnotes addressed my state of mind regarding the subject (namely, perplexed confusion heh heh!)...

    "For the second time in the session, Seth referred to the chance that the individual might feel insignificant within the enormous reaches of the inner universe."

    "I {Seth} am aware that [these analogies] can make you feel small or fear for your identity. You are more than a message, say, passing through the vast reaches of a superself. You are not lost in the universe."

    Here are two quotes from Seth where he basically talks about expanding fixed beliefs to encompass the concepts of a multilevel existence:

    "You view the fantastic variety of physical life - its animals, insects, birds, fish, man and all his works - with hardly a qualm; yet you must understand that the nature of consciousness itself is far more varied, and you must learn to think of an inner reality that is as infinite as the exterior one. These concepts alone do alter your present consciousness, and change it to a degree. The present idea of the soul, you see, is a "primitive" idea that can scarcely begin to explain the creativity or reality from which mankind's being comes. You are multipersons (intently). You exist in many times and places at once. You exist as one person, simultaneously. This does not deny the independence of the persons, but your inner reality straddles their reality, while it also serves as a psychic world in which they can grow."

    "Your idea of one soul, one self, forms a significance and a selectivity that blinds you to these other realities that are as much "here and now" as your present self... ...There are, then, stratas of consciousness existing all at once. The ones you are not aware of yet seem more progressed, developed than your own. You are part of them now. You can know them as you begin to stretch your concepts of personhood and awareness."

    Finally, I'll mention that I'm getting the impression that although there is a field of endless infinite possibilities in regards to the concept of parallel lives (and indeed other aspects of existence), only some of them are actively pursued or focused upon.

    "In the life that you know, as given in Personal Reality, your beliefs act to specify the particular probable events that will become "real".

    "You have a greater identity outside of your context, yet a part of it is inside your context, as you. Your youness is your significance, a focus of awareness, conscious of itself, that seeks out and views experience with its own unique propensities. The existence of probable realities and probable selves in no way denies the validity of your own experience or individuality. That rides secure, choosing from unpredictable fields of actuality those that suit its own particular nature."

    "That selfhood jumps in leapfrog fashion over events that it does not want to actualize, and does not admit such experience into its selfhood. Other portions of your greater identity, however, do accept those same events rejected by you, and form their own selfhoods."

    "Now some of you might choose some of the same events, and there probabilities will merge. Such points of intersection are highly charged and creative. These intersections can happen in individual and mass terms. One historical event may be simultaneously accepted in several probable realities, for example, while others may occur in one and not in an alternate history."

    Mind bending stuff, but very interesting I think!

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Seeking greater understanding of the Big Picture

    Yes, mind bending stuff, this kind of stuff I do not understand, sorry.

    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  7. #27

    Re: Seeking greater understanding of the Big Picture

    I wanted to share a couple of interesting concepts in Jane Roberts/Seth's book "The Unknown Reality, Volume 1", regarding consciousness, and time.

    The first, regarding time - in which Seth uses the example of a flower growing from a bulb to a full flower, over 'time':

    "All consciousness, in all of its forms, exists at once. It is difficult, without appearing to contradict myself, to explain. Go back to your bulb and flower. In basic terms they exist at once. In your terms, however, it is as if the flower-to-be, from its "future" calls back to the bulb and tells it how to make the flower. Memory operates backward and forward in time. The flower - calling back to the bulb, urging it "ahead" and reminding it of its (probable future) development - is like a future self in your terms, or a more highly advanced self, who has the answers and can indeed be quite practically relied upon."

    Balanced between 'past' and 'future' influences:

    "...your limited ideas of time cause conceptual barriers that operate even when you consider the structure of physical biological life.
    For example: it is truer to say that heredity operates from the future backward into the past, than it is to say that it operates from the past into the present. Neither statement would be precisely correct in any case, because your present is a poised balance affected as much by the probable future as the probable past."

    Seth has spoken several times (in other Jane Roberts books as well) about the nature of material and consciousness itself, blinking on and off like a strobe - or a 'motion picture' movie.

    "At no time, as a rule, is your body not here to you. Your experience seems centred within it, with the rest of the world safely outside. However, the particular selectivity of your kind of consciousness rides over lapses that you do not recognize. In a manner of speaking, your bodies blink off and on like lights. Their reality fluctuates, from your standpoint. For that matter, so does the physical universe."

    "Now the same applies to these units of consciousness - and to atoms, molecules, electrons, and other such phenomena. The world literally blinks off and on. This reality of fluctuation in no way bothers your own feeling of consistency, however. The "holes of nonexistence" are plugged up by the process of selectivity. This process chooses significances then, again, around which experience is built, and around which "life" is felt. The very sensations of one kind of life then automatically set up barriers against other such "world-schemes" that do not correlate with their own.

    I get the impression, that to a certain degree, this is potentially how dimensions operate, each with its own flavour of universal laws that tend to keep things operating in that particular sphere, to the exclusion of others.

    Although I sometimes struggle to understand how all these concepts work and what practical benefit there may be from such knowledge, I do find myself quietly pondering them. It occurred to me that it has resulted in some quite Zen-like meditation moments as I make my way through the book. I'll pause reading and consider the idea with quiet focus.

    Everyone's heard of the old Zen sayings like "one hand clapping" to get into a meditative state. But what about 'memory' of the future! Or what happens in the moments when atoms (or consciousness) blinks off. Now THERE'S some great meditation material.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Seeking greater understanding of the Big Picture

    When I experience the past, now, and the future at once, it is so chaotic that I no way can express it in word´s or to sort out, not yet but I hope one day.But I can understand "each with its own flavour", and
    when not be familar with some what you do not know or is new to you, you feel excluded....this do make perfectly sense to me.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  9. #29

    Re: Seeking greater understanding of the Big Picture

    In regards to my speculation about the practical benefits of exploring this knowledge, I came across these passages in Unknown Reality, that provides some clues:

    "You have now put yourselves in a position where your consciousness must now become aware of the probable pasts and probable futures, in order to form for yourselves a sane, fulfilling, and creative present.

    Ego consciousness must now be familiarized with its roots, or it will turn into something else. You are in a position where your private experience of yourself does not correlate with what you are told by your societies, churches, sciences, archaeologies, or other disciplines. Man's "unconscious" knowledge is becoming more and more consciously apparent. This will be done under and with the direction of an enlightened and expanding egotistical awareness, that can organize the hereto neglected knowledge..."

    "...having learned to focus in physical terms, is meant to expand, to accept unconscious intuitions and knowledge, and to organize these deeply creative principles into cultural patterns."

    "To do this you must understand, again, that man must move beyond the concepts of one god, one self, one body, one world, as these ideas are currently understood."

    "There are potentials within the body's mechanisms, in your terms, not as yet used. Developed, they can immeasurably enrich the race, and bring it to levels of spiritual and psychic and physical fulfillment. If some changes are not made, the race as such will not endure."

  10. #30

    Re: Seeking greater understanding of the Big Picture

    In "Unknown Realities", Seth talks about "Consciousness Units" as the fundamental unit of any 'matter'. This description of all things everywhere being conscious makes me think of the Animism worldview, which says that all things - animals, plants and inanimate objects possess a spiritual essence.

    "The CU's, or units of consciousness, are literally in every place and time at once. They possess the greatest adaptability, and a profound "inborn" propensity for organization of all kinds. They act as individuals, and yet each carries within it a knowledge of all other kinds of activity that is happening in any other given unit or group of units.

    Coming together, the units actually form the systems of reality in which they have their experience. In your system, for example, they are within the phenomenal world."

    Here Seth discusses the 'pulsing' nature of time and matter:

    "They will always come under the guise of any particular reality then. In your terms they can move forward or backward in time, but they also possess another kind of interior mobility within time as you know it.

    As there are insides to apples, so think of the ordinary moment as an apple. In usual experience, you hold that apple in your hand, or eat it. Using this analogy, however, the apple itself (as the moment) would contain infinite variations of itself within itself. These CU's therefore can operate even within time, as you understand it, in ways that are most difficult to explain. Time not only goes backward and forward, but inward and outward. I am still using your idea of time here to some degree. Later in this book I hope to lead you beyond it entirely. But in terms in which I am speaking, it is the inward and outward directions of time that give you a universe that seems to be fairly permanent, and yet is also being created.

    The 'pulsing' allows for separate systems of reality, but also enables the sharing of energy between them:

    This inward and outward thrust allows for several important conditions that are necessary for the establishment of "relatively" separate, stable universe systems. Such a system may seem like a closed one from any viewpoint within itself. Yet this inward and outward thrusting condition effectively sets up the boundaries and uniqueness of each universal system, while allowing for a constant give-and-take of energy among them.

    No energy is ever lost. It may seem to disappear from one system, but if so, it will emerge in another. The inward and outward thrust that is not perceived is largely responsible for what you think of as ordinary consecutive time."

    Seth also goes on to explain that the exchange of energy between all universes goes on constantly like countless, tiny black and white holes:

    "There is the constant surge into your universe of new energy through infinite minute sources. The sources are the CU's themselves. In their own way, and using an analogy, now, in certain respects at least the CU's operate as minute but extremely potent black holes and white holes, as they are presently understood by your physicists."

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