One of the best TEDx videos! by Gala Darling (who is indeed a darling). Bound to make you feel good, just like you should. Has some sweet advice, too!

And this was written by the speaker (beautiful!), and taken from her blog. Radical self love manifesto!
Radical self love is about channelling your inner badass. Radical self love is learning new ways to push boundaries and live your dreams. Radical self love is a celebration of the everyday, and a shirking of the mundane. Radical self love is about realising that you get to make your own choices, and that you don’t have to live out what someone else has prescribed for you.
Radical self love is about fueling your body with nutritious food, but eating a bowl of chocolate ice-cream whenever you damn well please.
Radical self love is smiling with your teeth showing.
Radical self love is about honouring your inner twelve-year-old.
Radical self love is realising that you are your own best investment. Radical self love is pushing yourself to do the things that scare you. Radical self love is dreaming big, and doing even bigger. Radical self love is about making sacrifices that you appreciate years later.
Radical self love isn’t always about making the easy choice; sometimes it’s damn hard.
Radical self love is surrounding yourself with positive people who love and encourage you. Radical self love is choosing to date yourself. Radical self love is about becoming your own best friend.
Radical self love is saying no.
Radical self love is saying yes.
Radical self love is spontaneous. Radical self love is not being afraid of strangers. Radical self love is staying true to your own unique vision.
Radical self love makes “normal” people nervous.
Radical self love is listening to music that makes you happy, no matter how cheesy or uncool it may be. Radical self love is waking up early; radical self love is staying up late.
Radical self love is buying yourself flowers. Radical self love is getting up close and personal with your spirituality. Radical self love is laughing at yourself, and never taking anything too seriously.
Radical self love is about doing whatever is best for you. Radical self love is different for everyone.
Radical self love is being an individual.
Radical self love is being connected.
Radical self love is learning the lessons, and then helping others.
Radical self love is never finished. Radical self love is always evolving.
Radical self love is keeping a bottle of champagne on-hand, just in case!
Feel free to add to this, change it, make it your own!