
I have visitations, but I was told the presence is a part of my spirit or a creation of it. This presence comes and stimulates me because I have not experienced touch in a long time. Last night, it manifested to the point where it touched my thigh, as with a finger, before doing what it usually does. I kept my eyes closed so I did not see what it was. As it approached, my body began to wade back and forth while I was in the bed. I was between the sleep and wake state. As I felt it get closer, I did my best not to panic and remain as calm as I could since I was told it was a part of me. This is why I also did not open my eyes to look. This is the first time I ever felt it touch me as with something like a finger. Prior to this, I only felt it move up my legs like a warm fluid mass and then stimulate me.

Do you have any knowledge or insight into this phenomenon?