What is an idea? Is it something real, can you touch it? Can you feel it? Mold it? Bend it to your will? Can it be controlled or contained?


The very power of an Idea is phenomenal. The lengths we go to to supress ideas, is also phenomenal.

I recently watched a movie, V for Vendetta and the symbology was so powerful it inspired within me a Celestial Fire, to use a Hermetic term. A passion and uncontrollable rage burned in my heart because I knew that what the movie said was true. I also knew that so many people would ignore what the Wachowski brothers, once again, bring to our attention.

The idea is freedom. Real freedom to persue what will ultimately bring us closer to that which we truly are. Not the false freedom given to us by misguided and dangerous governments. They make us believe they have our best interests at heart. But do they? Do they really have our best interests, or do they want our money and our co-operation?

I have spoken at length abort the atrocities our governments commit. I believe though that I was too nice. Do you know what real freedom is? No and neither do I. We can only guess, from the moment we became civillised our species has slowly and gradullay begun a preprogrammed self-destruct program spanning thousands of years. But I have also believe that every rule, every program, every law can be overcome, bent and broken. I have seen it with my own eyes, people awakening to the truth, seeing things as they really are.

People call us crazy, people call me crazy, well I guess you can have a badge saying “Slave” because those that hate me for wanting freedom are trapped so deeply in their own system that they would rather be controlled and “Safe” rather than free.

The idea of freedom is in the back of everyones mind, but in some it comes forward to the surface. It becomes a reality. A destiny. These are the crazies, the extremeists?

What I want is more people to take up the idea. Imagine if an entire nation, an Entire PLANET came together under one cause, under the banner of truth, what would happen? Would a war begin, against those with guns, and those without?